Patch Notes - June 14th
6/14/2018 9:41:21 AM

It's that time again for our Monthly Patch Notes. Check out what else has changed!
The following Events, Sales, and Promotions are running:
G21 Update: Permanent
G21 Update Event:
Thursday June 14, After Maintenance - Thursday, June 28, Before Maintenance
G21 Mainstream: Path of Guardian: Permanent
Imperial Commander Box: Thursday, June 14, After Maintenance - Thursday, July 12, Before Maintenance
The Summer Attendance Event: Thursday, June 14, After Maintenance - Thursday, July 19, Before Maintenance
G21 Update:
- If you completed G20, you will automatically receive the first quest of Path of Guardian [Shadow of Ash] when you enter the World.
- You can now enter through the Avalon Gate on Belvast Island.
- The entrance to the Avalon main field is blocked with a Seal Stone and requires seal breaking.
- You can Infuse the Erg or raise the Erg Level from the Avalon NPC "Kaelic".
- If you use an existing weapon or various other items as a material to strengthen the weapon's Erg, new effects will be added to the weapon.
- The amount of Erg EXP that can be obtained depends on several aspects of the material weapon, like the enhancement of the weapon, whether the weapon was bought from the shop or not, and so on.
- Some materials for raising level of high-level Erg weapons will be released in future updates.
- If you purchase an item marked (Original) from the store after the update, the item will display (Shop Purchase).
- An Erg-injected weapon cannot become the Ego weapon.
- Erg EXP obtained from the single injection cannot pass 100% of the EXP needed for the current level.
- You will receive a guide quest when you reach cumulative level 800.
- Talk to the new NPC [Innes] located in the Outskirts of Avalon to find more information about Avalon Raids.
Iria Field Raid Renewal:
- Fixed the issue where rewards based on the contribution in some Iria Field Raid worked abnormally from time to time.
- Reward list of the 9 Iria Field Raids has been revamped, and players with higher contribution will have a higher chance to get better rewards.
-Desert Dragon, Red Dragon, Prairie Dragon, Giant Sandworm, Ifrit, Mammoth, Yeti, Giant Alligator, and Giant Lion.
- 'Sonata' and 'Enigmatic' enchant scrolls drop by a low chance from the three dragon raids: Desert Dragon, Red Dragon, and Prairie Dragon.
The following font rendering issues have been fixed:
- The lag issue where a large amount of texts slowed down the game will be alleviated.
The following functionality issues have been fixed:
- Position lag with multiple skills has been fixed. (Example: Charging Strike will now transport the character to its target, server-side.)
- Players will no longer get stuck at Glewyas when attempting to enter a cooking dungeon that is higher than their level.
- Gestures that were two words can now be played when typing the command manually.
-Crossed Arms
-Look Around
-Formal Greeting 2
-Respectful Bow
The following text issues have been fixed:
- The number of Wyverns needed for the Grandmaster Quest has been updated.
- The missing parenthesis in the Eluned Elite Student Uniform has been added.
- Waffles now have a different descriptions based on the names of the waffles.
- The small text that overlapped the Painting UI in the Homesteads, has been shortened.
The following are known issues:
- There is known bug where some characters will experience a game crash when they first enter the Avalon through the G21 quest. The crash doesn't affect quest progression. We are looking into the fix the issue as soon as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience.