Shopkeeper's Sale: Lorna's Growth Package
7/7/2020 12:58:05 AM
Get ready to level up faster with Lorna's Growth Package! With a Rebirth Potion, The Receiver of Nao's Blessing Title Coupon, Orange Prism Box and more, these items will give you the boost that you need. Check out the details below.
Lorna's Growth Package
Sale Dates: Thursday, July 16th, After Maintenance - Thursday, August 13th, Before Maintenance
Lorna's Growth Package
Package Details
Lorna's Growth Package
- 2x The Receiver of Nao's Blessing Title Coupon (Allowable Trades: 1)
- After using the coupon, you will bear the title 'Receiver of Nao's Blessing' for 24 hr.
- When active, the title grants the following:
- Max Damage +10
- Strength +5
- Intelligence +5
- Dexterity +5
- Will +5
- Luck +5
- Movement Speed +1%
- Skill 2x EXP
- When defeating monsters as a party in Shadow Mission, Drama Mission, or Dungeon, party memebers will receive 1.5x EXP and the title bearer will receive 2x EXP
- 1x Rebirth Potion (Allowable Trades: 1)
- 1x Orange Prism Box
- 1x Blue Prism Box
- 3x Combat 4x EXP Potion (30 min) (Allowable Trades: 1)