Erinn Weekly -- October 8th, 2010

ANNOUNCE 10/8/2010 4:59:13 PM

Dunbarton Adventurer's Association, October 8th, 2010

Greetings Mabinogians!

Are you ever living for tomorrow? That great and glorious day when what you want and wish will happen perfectly? The hush across the world is all of Erinn waiting for tomorrow. Soon, new skills will be unlocked, new secrets will be made open, and some will even channel the power of a goddess. Stick with Erinn Weekly to know everything you need to know about Mabinogi.


The Erinn Walker is live!

In the coming weeks we will see the Return of the Hero, Mabinogi's next large update to the world and story of Erinn. The latest Erinn Walker has been revealed, detailing the secrets of this update, as well as a look behind the scenes of Mabinogi.

Read it today!


Ongoing: The Fishing Event Continues!

There's treasure in them thar waters! Penguin Suits, Shark Robes, and Ivory Swords are biting (somehow), and they're there for the taking. Grab a pole, fill up on bait, and test your luck in the endless water.

Search the waters!

Production Gachapon Update!

The Production Gachapon has undergone a renewal! Newer, fresher items help craftspeople even more effectively path towards their crafting dreams! Clothing patterns, manuals, and even armor await those willing to take the step in improving their crafting skills.

Check it out!


Dress for NX!

Need a costume? Purchase one at for both quality and style! What's more, by purchasing one of these costumes, you can net NX 6,975! It's a great deal, and it's only available for a limited time!

Find your costume!

Quotes of the Week

Return of the Hero is almost here! As the clock turns, players can't help but talk about the Erinn Walker that highlights all of the changes!


Giants are often overlooked in the world of Mabinogi, but that doesn't mean that they are inferior. They're powerful, they're imposing, and they consider an entire tree to be a basic weapon. But why do our players like them? It turns out, for a wide variety of reasons!

"The world's battlefields have been in the heart chiefly; more heroism has been displayed in the household and the closet than on the most memorable battlefields in history."- Henry Ward Beecher

Let’s see what some of your fellow Mabinogians had to say:

"I especially liked where they discussed the name changes. I really loved the part about Beeper becoming Blinker. I give a cookie to whoever decided to put that section in the Erinn Walker."~ Elleanior

"Awesome! I can't wait. And Nice! My close friend is in it, how lucky!" ~ Becca E.

"Hey, it'd be nicer if you gave credits to the fan site Mabinogi World also, instead of just its Wiki! We want some recognition also!!" ~ Lincoln T.

(Sorry, Lincoln. No one is ever going to see a
Mabinogi World link on this page. Nor is anyone going to know that it's a hard working community that represents a fantastic gathering of players. Sorry, but Mabinogi World is our secret. ~Ed.)

Check out the Facebook thread!

Community Spotlight

Previewing what's to come!

As we detail more of what to expect in Return of the Hero, we'll be posting it all on the official forums! Stop on by to discuss each update as it becomes available!

Find out each update here!

Get what you need! Get some NX today!
Looking for more good stuff? Check out this deal for FREE NX!