The Tower Cylinder

ANNOUNCE 10/7/2010 5:02:55 PM
To the battle stations! In our newest update, players will arm themselves with alchemy based artillery. By purchasing these powerful attack cannons from their local Alchemy Shops, players will have access to a whole new way to bring down their foes. Read on for details!

Boom, headshot! By setting up the Tower Cylinders, players can manually aim and target any enemy in their range.

In addition to the extra control, Tower Cylidners also directly boost your alchemy strength! The blasts sent from your station will be more powerful and have a far greater range, allowing you to bring down foes through nothing more than your tactics and SCIENCE!

The first Cylinder-based skill to be discussed is the Heat Buster! By taking five Fire Crystals and pressurizing them in order to maximize internalized potential, players will gain access to a powerful energy dispensing radiance centralized at a dedicated location.

In other words, "Put rocks in jar, bear goes boom". It's all very complicated, but we here at Erinn Tech are always happy to explain things in more layman accessible verbiage for more effective communication (normal people words).

Look for the Tower Cylinder and Heat Buster in Mabinogi's next update!