Channel Crash Investigation and Server Update

ANNOUNCE 1/31/2011 10:40:59 PM
Dear Nexon users,

There was an incident during the weekend January 28th in which players could endlessly spawn Brownie Assistants to watch over their kiosk shops. With the constant spawning of these shop assistants, a person with malicious intent could cause enough instability to crash a server's channel. To combat this behavior, we decided to bring the servers down and received a server update from the developer in Korea to address the problem.

We currently investigating claims wherein certain players are being accused of item duplication during the instability and subsequent channel crashes. We intend to fully investigate and deal with the offending parties accordingly.

We are planning compensation for Mabinogi Premium Service users during tomorrow evening's scheduled maintenance. In addition, ALL users will be able to receive a free 2x Combat EXP potion from the in-game cash shop on Wednesday, February 2nd.

Thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter.