Erinn Weekly -- August 12, 2011

ANNOUNCE 8/12/2011 12:00:00 AM

Dunbarton Adventurer's Association, August 12, 2011

Greeting Mabinogians!

Between the Dog Days of Summer sale, the drought in the Mugwort Leaf event, and the fiery competition of the Puzzlemaster, August is heating things up in Erinn! Make sure to snag an Alaskan Husky, Border Collie, or Greyhound before they bound off sale from the Web Shop on August 16! There's only a few days left to gather Life Crystals and help Dorren in the Mugwort Leaf, and the Puzzlemaster heads into his third week with Zombie Cards. Don't let him get the best of your brain! Stick with Erinn Weekly for all the details of the week's events.


Dog days of Summer - 40% off select dogs


We are now in the midst of the dog days of summer, that hot and humid month of August, so it's only fitting that we throw our players a bone and put a few of our faithful Mabinogi canines up for sale! At a staggering 40% off, these hounds are sure to prove why they're man's best friend! The Alaskan Husky, Border Collie, and Greyhound will be on sale between August 10 and August 16.

A Mabinogian's best friend!

The Mugwort Leaf Event

A drought has come to Erinn! The lack of water has caused the leaves of Mugwort plants to wilt. Upon logging in, you will receive a message from Dorren in Taillteann, asking you to bring her a Life Crystal. Use the Life Crystals to generate the rain to revitalize the leaves, allowing you to harvest them and earn a Mugwort Leaf Event Gift Box, full of awesome items!

Rain, rain, come again!

Ongoing: The Puzzlemaster Demands a Rematch!

Impressed with Mabinogians all across Erinn, the Puzzlemaster has returned to Taillteann to once again challenge adventurers. He'll be there the entire month of August, from so get ready to exercise your wit once more! Filled with ghosts, bombs, and zombies, these riddles are no joke!

Gather your wits!

Question of the Week

Mabinogians! Summer is in full swing! What have been some of your most memorable summertime experiences so far? Hit the beach? Went on an adventure? Let us know!

Summer afternoon - summer afternoon... the two most beautiful words in the English language. - Henry James

Here's what some of your fellow Mabinogians had to say:

For me, my most memorable experience this summer was just hanging out with my friends. Since most of us are going off to college this year and won't be seeing eachother as much, it was just really great to see them as much as I could before we go our seperate ways :) - Chris M.

Most of my summer I've been hanging outside and playing by the pool with my boyfriend :) I even got him to make a mabinogi character. We Like to go to the beaches In Iria :D but most of all I love baking summer cakes an cupcakes for everyone to enjoy :3 - Nicole K.

Meeting my Mabinogi husband in real life~ Best summer ever~ - Amy R.

Check out the discussion on Facebook

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