RAWR! Tiger Cub pets are here!

ANNOUNCE 7/19/2011 7:36:25 PM
Last December, the fearsome tiger mount pets came to Erinn. While the Snow Tiger made its impression and left, the Bengal Tiger remains in the Web Shop. We've decided to make a few additions to the Web Shop "Big Cat" reserve with a pair of tiger cubs! We're happy to announce and release the Yellow and White Tiger Cubs.

Although these cute little fuzz balls look like they'd rather play and cuddle than fight, they are actually quite capable fighters. Tiger cubs rival the combat prowess of bear pets. More so, tiger cubs come with a special attack called Roar. Use this special skill to stun an enemy and set up a powerful follow-up attack!

There are two types of cubs available, the White Tiger Cub and the Yellow Tiger Cub. The white cub is significantly stronger than the yellow. While the white cub is stronger in nearly all aspects, both cubs have access to the special Roar skill.

Head over to the Web Shop and adopt your own tiger cub today!

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