Magical Pet Sale! Get 20% off select pets.

ANNOUNCE 7/19/2011 6:50:38 PM
Something magical is happening with the update to Mabinogi - we've entered a Wonderland and Magician Gachapon are back! Deciding to follow the trend of wonderment and magic, we've decided to put a few "magical" pets on sale! For just one week, get 20% off the normal price on Antique Mimics, Yellow Sprites, and Straw Brooms!


Antique Mimic - 8,100 NX 6,480 NX
Straw Magic Broom - 11,800 NX 9,440 NX
Yellow Sprite - 6,800 NX 5,440 NX

Such great deals for really unique pets! Get great storage with an Antique Mimic. Gracefully walk around town with a Yellow Sprite on your back. Get a flying pet for an incredibly low price. Make haste! This sale ends July 26th.

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