Saunter to the Premium Shop for Lazy Cats!

ANNOUNCE 1/18/2011 9:19:17 PM
The newest cats to make an appearance in the Premium Shop aren’t… well… they aren’t as active as some of the past felines. Quite the contrary, they are LAZY. Every stereotype you’ve heard about cats are proven with these little guys. They look like they’re always bored with you. They like to sleep a lot. They’ll fight for you, but you can tell that they do it begrudgingly!

However, it doesn’t take away from how cute they are! You’ll squeal when your Himalayan or Scottish Fold rolls over onto its back, seemingly inviting you over to rub its belly. The lazy cat’s fighting style is unique. It will prance up to your enemies and nonchalantly smack the target with its paw, confident that the damage inflicted was sufficient.

With the connotation that goes with the name Lazy Cat, you can imagine that such animals would protest carrying around a couple swords, some heavy armor, and a few potions. With inventories the size of 4x9 for the Scottish Fold and 5x9 for the Himalayan, these cats, despite their protests, are perfectly capable of carrying around your prized possessions. Make them work for that catnip!

"Did someone say catnip?"

What are you waiting for? Saunter yourself over to the premium shop and check out the Scottish Fold and Himalayan cats, they’re on sale now!

Too "lazy" to get a prepaid NX Card? Charge some NX!
Lay around and get some FREE NX with this offer!