Patch Notes - September 7th 2017
9/6/2017 12:55:23 PM

It's that time again for our Monthly Patch Notes. Check out what was changed!
The following Events and Sales are running:
Spiritual Growth Package
Roulette Bingo Event
Magic Academy Suitcase
Attendance Event
The following content has been added:
Flight Expansion
The following functionality issues have been fixed:
- Getting hit during the Smash animation while Wind Guard is activated will no longer result in your character unable to move- Snow effects on Frostblossom Wings will now properly show on male humans and elves
- Arrows (100) is now properly recognized when crafting Bhafel Huntress
- Using a Potent Finest Shadow Crystal Upgrade Coupon will now give the proper items
- Using a Potent Fine Shadow Crystal Compression Coupon will now give the proper items
The following items have had typos fixed:
- Silver Fox Enchant
- Barba Basin in the Moonlight Traveler's Book
The following items had their name changed:
- Due to having two pairs of Violet Angel Wings, one has been named Purple Angel Wings and the other pair stayed as Violet Angel Wings.
- Items with the word "Macaroon" have been changed to the correct term "Macaron"
- Toy Wing Enchant has been renamed to "Will of Doll"
The following quests have had their descriptions revised:
- Mission Point Quests
- Some quests will now state “Raise the talent level of [Talent Name]”