Skill Advancement Renewal
8/3/2017 4:12:17 PM

Are you ready for some Dan-tastic challenges that are only for those who mastered certain skills? Well now’s the time to become the true master of some new dan-able skills, because they are now more powerful than ever! Check out what’s new.
New Advanceable Skills
- Shooting Rush
- Flash Launcer
- Kunai Storm
- Shuriken Charge
- Chain: Charging Strike
- Chain: Spinning Uppercut
- Chain: Pummel
- Act 4: Rising Action
- Act 6: Crisis
- Potion Making
- Hillwen Engineering
- Magic Craft
- Charge
- Lance Charge
- Crash Shot
- Assault Slash
- Ice Spear
- Thunder
- Fireball
- Lightning Rod
- Healing
- Water Cannon
- Sand Burst
- Flame Burst
Other Changes
- Skills that are rank Dan are now more powerful!
- You can now take an Advancement Test regardless of the time, day, and channel, but you can only take it once a day if you pass.
- Star symbols appear next to the skills that can be advanced to Dan.
- Advancement Ranking has been removed.
- Advancement Rewards have changed.
- Once advancing skills to Dan, you must retrain the skill again for the next Dan rank.
- Advancement Assignments have changed.
- There are new Journal Achievements for Advancement.
- Receive a Title for advancing all skills to Dan 3 for that respective Talent.
- There are now different animation effects for skills that are rank Dan 1 or higher.
- Combo Cards are now customizable with the advanceable skills if you reach certain goals.
Eligibility Certificates
If you get all available skills to Dan for a respective talent, you can receive a Eligibility Certificate for that talent. Equip it to have a special idle animation.
- : Talk to the Advancement Guide when all advanceable Alchemy skills are 3rd Dan.
- : Talk to the Advancement Guide when all advanceable Combat skills are 3rd Dan.
- : Talk to the Advancement Guide when all advanceable Dual Gun skills are 3rd Dan.
- : Talk to the Advancement Guide when all advanceable Fighter skills are 3rd Dan.
- : Talk to the Advancement Guide when all advanceable Life skills are 3rd Dan.
- : Talk to the Advancement Guide when all advanceable Magic skills are 3rd Dan.
- : Talk to the Advancement Guide when all advanceable Ninja skills are 3rd Dan.
- : Talk to the Advancement Guide when all advanceable Puppetry skills are 3rd Dan.
Advancement Celebration Event
Event Dates: Thursday, August 17 - Wednesday, August 30
- Log into any character to receive Caravan Joe's Call.
- Complete Caravan Joe's Call to receive Caravan Joe's Daily Mission.
- Finish Caravan Joe's Daily Mission to receive an Advancement Skill Boost Up Box.
- Advancement Skill Boost Up Box contains a Complete Skill EXP Potion (1 Day) (Event), Special Tendering Potion S (Event), Production Failure Potion (Event), and an AP 10 Potion.
New Enchants
- Rocket Arrow (Prefix; Rank 1): Obtained when all advanceable Life skills are at 3rd Dan.
- Designer (Prefix; Rank 1): Obtained when all advanceable Life skills are at 3rd Dan.
- Deadly Blow (Prefix; Rank 1): Obtained when all advanceable Combat skills are at 3rd Dan.
- Robin Hood (Prefix; Rank 1): Obtained when all advanceable Combat skills are at 3rd Dan.
- Intense (Prefix; Rank 1): Obtained when all advanceable Combat skills are at 3rd Dan.
- Encyclopedic (Prefix; Rank 1): Obtained when all advanceable Magic skills are at 3rd Dan.
- Stone of Sage (Prefix; Rank 1): Obtained when all advanceable Alchemy skills are at 3rd Dan.
- Master of Martial Arts (Prefix; Rank 1): Obtained when all advanceable Martial Arts skills are at 3rd Dan.
- Will of Doll (Prefix; Rank 1): Obtained when all advanceable Puppetry skills are at 3rd Dan.
- Rapid Fire Maniac (Prefix; Rank 1): Obtained when all advanceable Dual Gun skills are at 3rd Dan.
- Wild Ninja (Prefix; Rank 1): Obtained when all advanceable Ninja skills are at 3rd Dan.
Combo Cards
New Skills
- Shuriken Charge
- Sand Burst
- Lightning Rod
- Kunai Storm
Customizable Combo Card Skills
Collect Advancement Badges by ranking your skills to Dan 3 and bring them to the Advancement Guide to unlock the Combo Card Customization option.
- Windmill
- Magnum Shot
- Smash
- Charge
- Crash Shot
- Lance Charge
- Assault Slash
- Firebolt
- Lightning Bolt
- Icebolt
- Lightning Rod
- Thunder
- Ice Spear
- Fireball
- Water Cannon
- Flame Burst
- Sand Burst
- Chain: Charging Strike
- Chain: Spinning Uppercut
- Chain: Pummel
- Act 4: Rising Action
- Act 6: Crisis
- Shooting Rush
- Flash Launcher
- Kunai Storm
- Shuriken Charge