Patch Notes - January 11th 2018
1/9/2018 2:43:16 PM

It's that time again for our Monthly Patch Notes. Check out what was changed!
The following Events, Sales, and Promotions are running:
Master Plan Event
Sealed Chain Box
Baltane Elite Mode
Baltane Mission Elite Pass Box Hot Days
Shy's Star Shop Promotion
Huge Lucky Finish Event
The following functionality issues have been fixed:
- Fixed the issue that if a player has 2 different Falias Artifact for the same stat, the highest option will be applied
- Fixed the issue where the cool down decrease effect of Control Marionette was not being applied
- Giants now use a different scaling logic when using the pet sled
- Doll bag’s doll can collect the person-restricted item if it is restricted to the master of the doll
The following graphical issues have been fixed:
- Fixed the issue where hands would disappear after using a transformation skill while wearing the Duffel Coat outfit
- Fixed the bug that a user couldn’t see the ice mine that was installed by the player character
The following text issues have been fixed:
- The new enchant “Crescent Moon” that was released with the Chain Slash update, has been renamed to “Heavenly”
- Fixed an issue in Eiren’s dialogue where she forgot to say a word to complete the sentence correctly
- Holiday Cakes now have an updated description that will tell you when you are able to send the cakes to other players
- Korean text will no longer appear when trying to send someone a Holiday Cake
- Bachram is no longer misspelled in the Grandmaster Quest
- Bachram is no longer misspelled in the title “Bachram Explosion Master”