Patch Notes - April 5th, 2018
4/5/2018 12:00:00 AM

It's that time again for our Monthly Patch Notes. Starting this month, we are implementing fixes or updates based off of your feedback. That's right! Commas are finally here! Check out what else has changed!
The following Events, Sales, and Promotions are running:
Auction House:
Attendance Check Event: Thursday, April 5 – Wednesday, May 2
Lovely Cupid Box: Thursday, April 5 - Wednesday, April 25
Mabinogi Easter Egg Hunt!: Thursday, March 29 - Wednesday, April 18
Shopkeeper Sale: Spring Shopping Bags and more!: Thursday, March 29 - Wednesday, April 18
Quality of Life Optimization:
Quality of Life Optimization consists of changes that have been requested by players. We will continue these kinds of updates throughout the year.
- Reduced summoning lag.
- Improved Doll Bag logic.
- Can now turn on/turn off Doll Bag's item pick up function.
- Changed the image for the client loading bar.
- You can now gift "Robes" to Partners.
- Revamped potion icons, so it's easier to tell the difference between different types of potions.
- Changed the Magic Shield Training trigger.
- Increased bank limit per character. (Up to 10 characters / 20 million gold per character | After the 11th character / 10 million gold per character)
- Gold unit now displays commas!
The following graphical issues have been fixed:
- Fixed an issue where two-toned eyes did not appear correctly on Partners.
The following text issues have been fixed:
- The enchant "Bitter" from the Chain Slash Update has been renamed to "Glacial".
- Fireworks above Tara no longer display untranslated text.
- The description for the Blue Prism has been changed.
- The text for the Giant Black Spider boss has been translated.