[UPDATED]Guild War is here!
8/20/2018 2:28:05 PM

Fight head to head with other guilds in the new Guild War! Battle to become the Guardian Guild of Dunbarton or Tir Chonaill by fighting off bandits and a game of capture the flag! Check out the full details here.
Guild War Update
Update Date: September 13th, After Maintenance
Update Details:
- Guardian Guilds have been added!
- Guilds can become either the Guardian Guild of Tir Chonaill or Dunbarton by winning the Guardian Guild Tournament of the corresponding town.
- Tir Chonaill's Guardian Guild Tournament takes place Saturday 5pm PDT and Dunbarton's Guardian Guild Tournament takes place Sunday at 5pm PDT.
- Guardian Guilds must compete in the Guardian Guild Tournament to keep their status every week.
How to participate:
- Guild leaders can sign-up for the Guild Battle by talking to Duncan in Tir Chonaill or Eavan in Dunbarton.
- To sign up, the guild must have 15,000 Guild Points and 3~5 million gold depending on the number of attendees.
- Up to 20 members from a single guild can join at a time.
- A max of 200 participants can enter the Preliminary Round of the Guardian Guild Tournament.
- Sign-ups take place Monday, 12:00 AM PDT - Friday, 11:59 PM PDT for both towns.
How Guild War works:
- Guild Wars consist of two rounds.
- Preliminaries – Fight off Bandits from attacking the town. The top three guilds that deal the most damage move on to the final round. Sabotage other guilds by completing mini-games and using the cubes that drop!
- If there is no guardian guild participating or created, then the 1st place guild automatically becomes the Guardian Guild and the Final Round will not take place.
- Finals – A fun round of Capture the Flag! The top three guilds and the current guardian guild face each other in a game of capture the flag. The guild to capture the most flags becomes the new guardian guild.
Guardian Guild Benefits:
- If you become a town's Guardian Guild, all guild members receive the following benefits:
- 5% discount on banking fees and an increased limit on the issuance of checks in the affiliated town.
- Use of an exclusive Guardian Guild shop tab and the ability to take on exclusive quests.
- Members will be given a Recall Book which can warp them to a chosen set of coordinates within the affiliated town.
- Members will receive a Guardian Title for the affiliated town.
- Guild automatically qualifies for the Final Round of the next Guardian Guild Tournament and earns a portion of the other guilds' registration fees.
Tir Chonaill Benefits
- Receive more EXP in Alby and Ciar Dungeons.
- Using any combat skill near the town it will reward higher skill EXP!
- Receive cheaper equipment repairs.
- Ferghus even promises that his hands will never slips for the members of the guild!
- Members will be able to use a fancy new title until the next Guild War, which grants you great bonus for combat!
- The Guardian of Tir Chonaill
- Max Damage 30 Increase
- Magic Attack 35 Increase
- Strength 15 Increase
- Intelligence 15 Increase
- Dexterity 15 Increase
- Will 15 Increase
- Luck 15 Increase
- Max Stamina 30 Increase
- Max MP 30 Increase
- Max HP 30 Increase
- Combat EXP 10% Increase
Dunbarton Benefits
- Special personal shop licenses can be purchased that has an increased gold limit.
- Increased gold and item drops in Rabbie and Math Dungeon! (Rabbie Phantasm excluded)
- If you use any life skill near the town it will reward higher skill EXP! (Alban Knights Training Grounds excluded)
- Members will be able to use a fancy new title until the next Guild War, which grants you bonus for both combat and crafting!
- The Guardian of Dunbarton
- Max Damage 30 Increase
- Magic Attack 35 Increase
- Strength 10 Increase
- Intelligence 10 Increase
- Dexterity 10 Increase
- Will 10 Increase
- Luck 30 Increase
- Max Stamina 30 Increase
- Max MP 30 Increase
- Max HP 30 Increase
- Gathering Success Rate 5% Increase
- Gathering Speed 3% Increase
Benefits of participating:
- Even if your guild doesn’t win Guild War, there are plenty of other bonuses you can receive from it!
- New Achievements have been added, so try to collect them all!
- After every guild tournament, participants will receive a Guardian Guild Tournament Box, which contains valuable items such as Reforging Tools, Perfect Free Repair Kit, Golden Experience Fruits, and much more! This box can only be opened once the tournament ends.
Guild Campaign Event
Event Date: September 6th, After Maintenance - September 20th, Before Maintenance
Event Details:
- During this time, you will also be able to leave your current guild and join a new guild after a real-time day, instead of a real-time week.
- To help celebrate the update of Guild War, the first Guild War for Tir Chonaill and Dunbarton will not require any entry fee.
Guild Title Event
Event Date: September 6th, After Maintenance - September 20th, Before Maintenance
Event Details:
There is an issue that some guilds did not receive their title. Please submit a ticket if your guild was affected by this issue.
- During this event, guild leaders can create a unique title for the Guild.
- Click the Guild Event button at the Guild Stone to create your title!
- Titles may contain 2-10 characters and spaces.
- The title may not contain symbols, numbers, or inappropriate words.
- Titles that contain profanity will be deleted without notice.
- During the event period, the title can be changed as many times as you like once every minute.
- You will receive the guild title after the event is over if you meet the requirements of accepting 5 new members.
- Please be aware, members that leave and rejoin will not count towards the requirement.
- When creating the guild, the four members joining will count toward the requirement, except for the guild leader.
- The title will show up as the given custom name at the end of the 1st title selection list.
- NOTE: There is an issue with the requirement counter not updating correctly. As long as your guild recruits five members, the titles will be given once the event is over.
Guild Hotdays
Event Dates: Saturday, September 15, 12:00 AM PDT - Sunday, September 16, 11:59 PM PDT
Hotday Details
- Log in on Saturday or Sunday for the respective rewards!
- You must stay logged in for 36 minutes to receive the reward.
- Must be cumulative Level 30 or higher to participate.
- You can only receive the rewards once.
Hot Day Rewards
- Golden Fruit of EXP (300%) (Quantity : 2)
- Baltane Elite Pass Box
- Unlimited Shadow Mission Pass (Event)