Watch the Second Episode of Blabber Box!

ANNOUNCE 3/25/2011 1:46:11 PM

Open the box!

It's that time again. The second episode of the BlockParty Blabber Box is live! Blabber Box features updates on Nexon's games from the producers themselves, sketches, animated shorts, comments from the players, and a whole lot more.

In this episode of Blabber Box

            -- Luis gets himself some style tips!
            -- A new episode of Mercs! Watch Raven and Mei try to solve a perplexing mystery.
            -- A new Q&A with the producers of Combat Arms.
            -- A new episode of Testers. This time it's all about teamwork!
            -- Mabinogi producer Charles Park talks about the game's upcoming anniversary. 
            -- A new episode of MapleStory's New Leaf Saga
            -- A new Q&A with the producer of Dungeon Fighter Online.
            -- We welcome a (sort of) new game to the Nexon family -- Atlantica!
-- Rants & Raves with Daniel Chin
            -- A guy singing to a skull.
            -- and lots more surprises!

            -- Plus a special plea from show producer Luis Reyes on behalf of the people of Japan.

We want to hear from you about Blabber Box! Head to the official game forums and tell us what you liked or disliked. Take our survey and voice your opinion! Suggest some ideas for segments. Make fun of Luis' fashion choices!

Until next time, enjoy what's in the Box!