How much of the Renaissance do you have in you? You'll get the chance to show us if you participate in our Renaissance Portrait Contest! In other Mabinogi news, we've still got a bunch of great events going on, including the extended Quiz Show extended until Tuesday! Our Question of the Week lets everyone show off a bit of April Foolishness and the Community Spotlight lets us into the mind of your fellow Mabinogians as they reveal what they would do with a real- life Mabinogi skill. Stick with Erinn Weekly for all the details of the week's events.
The tale of two star-crossed lovers is coming to Mabinogi!
O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? Shakespeare’s famous story of love and tragedy is coming to embrace the world of Erinn.
The Renaissance was a time when the fine arts flourished. With Hamlet concluded and Romeo & Juliet on the horizon, we’d like to see the kind of Renaissance masterpieces the Mabinogi community can produce! Grab your brushes and show us your best rendition of a Renaissance style portrait of your character!
It's that time again. The second episode of the BlockParty Blabber Box is live! Blabber Box features updates on Nexon's games from the producers themselves, sketches, animated shorts, comments from the players, and a whole lot more. Open the Box!
Atlantica Online Joins Nexon!
We'd like to offer our congratulations to Atlantica Online for joining the Nexon family! We’d also like to extend a warm welcome to all of the Atlantians who have successfully migrated over to our community.
Taoism can be described as the natural order of things, consequences (good and bad) of actions, and the duality of nature herself. We invite you to explore the meaning of Taoism with the Taoist Character Card, now available in the Web Shop. Newly or rebirthed characters will receive four items with the Taoist Character Cards, including Taoist Headdress, Taoist Costume, Taoist Shoes, and Taoist Bracelet.
Pets only! Animal Dungeon Event begins on April 6!
Where would a Mabinogian be without his or her faithful pet companions? Pets are one of the major features of Mabinogi and now they have their very own event dungeon to explore, without the guidance of their masters! Go, Lassie, go!
Extended! The Mabinogi Quiz Show!
The Mabinogi Quiz Show has been such a big hit, we've extended it! Now you can demonstrate your knowledge through April 5th!
The Quiz Show event is underway and while everyone seems to be enjoying it, you asked for something to do between rounds. Well, we might have the answer for you: Shadow Mission BINGO! From March 21 through April 23, you will be able to complete daily Shadow Missions in order to fill your bingo card and earn awesome prizes. B-I-N-G-O!
Follow Belita's Artifact Map to Hidden Treasure!
Belita has had plenty of time to chart the treasures of the Zardine region. We have gathered as many of Belita’s maps as we could and placed them into the Mabinogi cash shop. Looking at one of Belita’s Artifact Maps will instantly grant you an item, along with the chance to complete a Zardine Artifact Collection Book. If you do so, you will be rewarded by the legendary Cromm Cruaich!
It is commonly believed that when a ferret is excited, happy, or laughing they will voice their content with “dooking.” With a pair of rambunctious and playful ferrets coming to Erinn, you’re sure to hear dooking all throughout the land!
With Lorna and Pan Gachapon making its way out of the cash shop, we're bringing back the Exploration Gachapon! From Tulip Headbands to Tiger Robes to Elatha or Andras Hand Puppets, Exploration Gachapon has something for everyone! Onward, explorers!
Question of the Week
Mabinogians! This week saw the release of the exciting new velociraptor mounts! We’d like to know what you think of them! What have you been doing with your mountable dino and where have you gone?
"The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year." - Mark Twain
Let’s see what some of your fellow Mabinogians had to say:
"I pompously strutted down the catwalk in Tara only to have jealous onlookers boo and hiss. Sadly, the dino was not as well trained as advertised and the short-tempered raptor jumped into the crowd! It took three giants, five animal tamers, and one Royal Alchemist to subdue him. Seven elves and a baby sheep were lost. I'm currently facing animal charges." ~ Lauren W. "My velociraptor pet, Reptar, was one of the fastest mounts I have had at first summon. He could tear through anything, I mean anything in his path. However, I need to lodge a complaint. As soon as I canceled the summon, dear Reptar proceeded to have a huge snack consisting of my remaining pets. Perhaps this is my fault for letting the poor pet go hungry. Needless to say, I am left with a slow, fat, lazy raptor who would make the Scottish Fold and Hymalayan look like olympic winners." ~ Katie P. "Velociraptor mounts are awesome sauce! I love how they can shoot lazors out their mouths to turn enemies into gold ,and thats not the best part, their ability to turn into a giant rainbow flying saucers is helpful when making a clean getaway from those nasty mobs all the way to the moon." ~ Mark B.
So you wake up one day with the ability to use one Mabinogi skill in real life. Which skill is it and what would you do with it? Check out what other Mabinogians said and add your own answer to this forum thread. What would you do?