Erinn Weekly -- March 25, 2011

ANNOUNCE 3/25/2011 12:00:00 AM

Dunbarton Adventurer's Association, March 25, 2011

Greetings Mabinogians!

What do pets, a quiz show, and bingo have in common? They're all fun, and they're all happening in Mabinogi right now!  Between rounds on the Mabinogi Quiz Show, take part in Shadow Mission Bingo to win great prizes and check out the second episode of Blabber Box! Exploration Gachapon make an epic return to Erinn, while Mabinogi-themed motivational posters bring some humor to the forums. Finally, we turn the tables and ask what YOU would ask for the Question of the Week. Stick with Erinn Weekly for all the details of the week's events.


Taoist Character Cards Available Now!

Taoism can be described as the natural order of things, consequences (good and bad) of actions, and the duality of nature herself. We invite you to explore the meaning of Taoism with the Taoist Character Card, now available in the Web Shop. Newly or rebirthed characters will receive four items with the Taoist Character Cards, including Taoist Headdress, Taoist Costume, Taoist Shoes, and Taoist Bracelet.

Find the way.

Watch the Second Episode of Blabber Box!

It's that time again. The second episode of the BlockParty Blabber Box is live! Blabber Box features updates on Nexon's games from the producers themselves, sketches, animated shorts, comments from the players, and a whole lot more.

Open the Box!


Offer ends soon! Get Netflix, Get NX

After a day of exploring Erinn’s past and carving out your future, why not unwind by enjoying some of the greatest stories from other worlds? Sign up for Netflix and for a limited time, you’ll receive over $20 worth of NX! That’s right, by signing up for Netflix, you will receive over NX 20,000 for free!

Earn NX!


Shadow Mission Bingo!

The Quiz Show event is underway and while everyone seems to be enjoying it, you asked for something to do between rounds. Well, we might have the answer for you: Shadow Mission BINGO! From March 21 through April 23, you will be able to complete daily Shadow Missions in order to fill your bingo card and earn awesome prizes.


Ongoing: The Mabinogi Quiz Show!

They say that knowledge is power. From March 16 through March 29, 2011, you'll be able to show how much power you have in the Mabinogi Quiz Show event!

Is that your final answer?

Ongoing: Pets, A Mabinogian's Best Friend!

Travelling across the vast expanse of Erinn would not be the same without pets. If you’ve found your special companion, we want to see what kind of adventures you two are up to! Just send us a screenshot of you and your favorite pet doing your favorite things in Mabinogi! This event runs from March 16 through March 30, 2011, so hop, gallop, or fly to it!

Learn more!


You will dook for Ferrets!

It is commonly believed that when a ferret is excited, happy, or laughing they will voice their content with “dooking.” With a pair of rambunctious and playful ferrets coming to Erinn, you’re sure to hear dooking all throughout the land!

Let the Ferret frenzy begin!

Exploration Gachapon Renewed!

With Lorna and Pan Gachapon making its way out of the cash shop, we're bringing back the Exploration Gachapon! From Tulip Headbands to Tiger Robes to Elatha or Andras Hand Puppets, Exploration Gachapon has something for everyone!

Onward, explorers!

Question of the Week 

Mabinogians! This week we’re turning the Question of the Week on its head. We’d like to know what you would ask for the Question of the Week! Make it funny, make it serious, make it profound.

"Judge of a man by his questions rather than by his answers." ~ Voltaire

Let’s see what some of your fellow Mabinogians had to say:

"My question would be, If you could make any flashy dye, what colors would it be?" ~ Niki D.

"If you could be any monster in Mabinogi, what monster would you want to be and why?" ~ Kaitlin A.
"What fighting style suits you more? melee? range? alchemy? or magic? and why?" ~ Michael V.

Check out the Facebook thread!

Community Spotlight

Mabi Motivational!

Humor with a Mabinogi twist? We like! Back in 2008, forumer dan2405b encouraged users to create motivational posters using screenshots and themes from Mabinogi. Recently, the thread has come alive with new creations. 

Check 'em out!

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Looking for more good stuff? Check out these deals for FREE NX!