[UPDATE] Summer Lovely Pet Box
7/7/2020 12:53:24 AM

It's the perfect time to get a new pet with the Summer Lovely Pet Box! This box includes fun-loving pets like the new Wizard Corgi and Warrior Corgi. Earn bonus points for each Summer Lovely Pet Box that you open. Gather enough points to receive the Novice Adventurer Corgi Whistle! Check out the details below.
Sale Dates:Thursday, July 16th, After Maintenance - Thursday, August 13th, Before Maintenance
Summer Lovely Pet Box |
Summer Lovely Pet Box (3) |
Summer Lovely Pet Box (10) |
Bonus System
- Buy and open up a certain amount of Summer Lovely Pet Boxes to get amazing rewards, like the new Novice Adventurer Corgi Whistle!
- Bonus Points are only given during the duration of the sale.
- Each Summer Lovely Pet Box opened will reward 1 Bonus Point.
- Items received from the Summer Lovely Pet Box will be stored in the Point Inventory.
- The Bonus Point window can also be viewed through the Point Inventory.
- 3 Points: Glimmering Golden Supplement
- 5 Points:
- 8 Points: Pet Adoption Medal (Tradeable once)
- 10 Points:
Corgi Pet Details
- Use the to damage and stun enemies when a Corgi is summoned.
- When idle or when a trick command is used, the Corgi performs
- Corgi pets can change their form through the Form Change skill.
- When in the larger form, the Corgi can be mounted. Corgis can also fly!
- When in the smaller form, the Corgi can follow you on a walk.
- immediately restores 700 HP, 500 MP, and 500 Stamina and grants Corgi Companionship's buff to the owner. Corgi Campanionship's effect grants Defense +30, Protection +10, Magic Defense +30, and Magic Protection +10 for 30 sec.
- The passive effects take effect over time while the Pet is summoned. They can be applied at the same time along with other Pet debuffs such as the Bone Dragon's 'Devil's Dash' and the Ceraunus' 'Lightning Strike'.
- Novice Adventurer Corgi and Warrior Corgi share the same passive effect. Wizard Corgi has a different passive effect.
- Novice Adventurer Corgi & Warrior Corgi: Adorable Wiggle (Decreases Defense and Protection of monsters within 10 m of the pet)
- 1st: Defense -15, Protection -5
- 2nd: Defense -20, Protection -10
- 3rd: Defense -25, Protection -15
- Wizard Corgi: Adorable Wiggle (Decreases Magic Defense and Magic Protection of monsters within 10m of the pet.)
- 1st: Magic Defense -5, Magic Protection -6
- 2nd: Magic Defense -10, Magic Protection -8
- 3rd: Magic Defense -15, Magic Protection -10
- Wizard Corgi Base Stats:
- HP: 440
- MP: 330
- Stamina: 250
- STR: 81
- INT: 131
- DEX: 42
- Will: 43
- Luck: 40
- Defense: 50
- Protect: 40
- Magic Defense: 3
- Magic Protect: 6
- Inventory Size: 10x10
- Novice Adventurer Corgi & Warrior Corgi Base Stats:
- HP: 470
- MP: 250
- Stamina: 300
- STR: 131
- INT: 81
- DEX: 42
- Will: 43
- Luck: 40
- Defense: 55
- Protect: 40
- Magic Defense: 3
- Magic Protect: 3
- Inventory Size: 10x10
- You will receive one Leash Selection Box in the Corgi's Inventory. This box allows you to change the color of your Corgi's leash.
Summer Lovely Pet Box Contents
Each Summer Lovely Pet Box comes with one randomly selected pet from the gachapon list.
New Items
- (Other than appearance, the Young Ceraunus pet is the same as the Ceraunus pet)
Rate |
Item |
4.43% |
Wizard Corgi Whistle |
4.43% |
Warrior Corgi Whistle |
5.70% |
Young Ceraunus Whistle |
5.70% |
Vacation Scooter Imp Whistle |
7.59% |
Spirit of Tuan Whistle |
7.59% |
Fallen Fairy Whistle |
7.59% |
Mir Dragon Whistle |
9.49% |
Smarmy Sheep Whistle |
9.49% |
Sundae Truck Whistle |
9.49% |
Rainbow Nimbus Whistle |
9.49% |
Tassel Scooter Whistle |
9.49% |
Battle Pegasus Whistle |
9.49% |
Cosmic Stallion Whistle |
Disclaimer: Percentages are rounded to the nearest hundredth.
50% Off Pet Adoption Medal
Sale Dates:Thursday, July 16th, After Maintenance - Thursday, August 13th, Before Maintenance
Pet Adoption Medal |
Pet Adoption Medal Notice
- A pet may only be traded up to 5 times.
- Once adopted, the name of the pet must be changed, and the original name cannot be reused.
- Cannot be used on Limited Duration pets.
- The pet's inventory must be completely emptied before being put up for adoption.
Payment Limitations: This item can
only be purchased with
NX Prepaid.