P.E.T. Part 1 - Patch Notes - July 16
7/1/2020 6:27:01 PM

Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Pawsitively Elite Training (P.E.T.) Part 1 update! Check out the website for more details!
The following Events, Sales, and Promotions are running:
Secret Garden Box: Thursday, July 2nd, After Maintenance - Thursday, July 23rd, Before Maintenance
Summer Master Plan: Thursday, July 9th, After Maintenance - Thursday, September 24th, Before Maintenance
Pet Trainer Event: Thursday, July 16th, After Maintenance - Thursday, August 13th, Before Maintenance
Summer Lovely Pet Box: Thursday, July 16th, After Maintenance - Thursday, August 13th, Before Maintenance
Shopkeeper's Sale: Lorna's Growth Package: Thursday, July 16th, After Maintenance - Thursday, August 13th, Before Maintenance
Weekend Fishing Event: Friday, July 16th, 00:00 AM PDT - Sunday, August 13th, 23:59 PM PDT
New Updates:
- The P.E.T. Part 1 update is now live! Master a brand-new Life Talent called 'Pet Trainer' and grow your pets into powerful Fynn Pets using the power of the Fynn!
- Obtain and equip a Fynn Bell from NPC Price's Shop to gain a new quest '[Pet Training] Shining and Glittering'. Proceeding through this quest will gain you access to the brand-new Pet Trainer talent!
- Beginner Milletians can gain access to the talent by finishing the tutorials. Doing so will grant you the Beginner's Feathery Fynn Bell item and a limited title, and after rebirthing, the Pet Trainer talent will be available.
- Check out the Pet Trainer Guide for in-depth information about the many different skills a Pet Trainer possesses!
- Mag Mell & The Peculiar Children: A new zone to explore and cast of characters to meet!
- Mag Mell is the last resting place of the Fairies. You won't be able to access all of the wonderful mysteries of Mag Mell just yet!
- Begin to unravel the story of the fairies and learn more about the dynamic duo Pinkie and Katell.
- Fynni Gems: A weak and fragile type of fairy that dwells within many creatures of Erinn, Fynni spirits can be captured when defeating certain enemies found in the Taming section of the Collection Journal.
- Fynni spirits are captured when you defeat monsters marked with a Fynni Gem symbol above their heads.
- The Fynni Catching skill is used in order to preserve the Fynni as a Fynni Gem when the monster is defeated. Fynni Catching is a passive skill and does not require a Fynn Bell equipped to use.
- The Skill Rank of Fynni Catching will impact your chances of receiving a Fynni Gem.
- The types of Fynni Gems you can obtain vary depending on the type and the grade of a monster that possesses one.
- Fynni Gems have different grades ranging from Grade E (lowest) to Grade A (highest). This measures the strength of the Fynni spirit as well as how long it takes to Blossom in your Homestead.
- Fynni Blossoming: By using a Blossoming Cage, you can awaken a Fynni Gem from its dormant slumber into a full-fledged Fynni Pet by using the Fynni Blossoming active skill. You must install a Blossoming Cage in your Homestead in order to do so.
- There are two types of Blossoming Cages that require different materials to install. If you lack the materials, you can use Pon in their place.
- You can have a max of 4 Blossoming Cages on your Homestead at any given time, regardless of their type.
- Only the owner of a Homestead may use a Blossoming Cage installed in it.
- Your Fynni Gem will continue to Blossom even while logged out.
- Fynni Pets: The byproduct of awakening a sleeping Fynni from a Fynni Gem using Fynni Blossoming! These are physical manifestations of a special fairy that took on the appearance of the monster you released it from. Fynni Pets seek to merge with other pets to empower then into awesome Fynn Pets. In doing so, the Fynni Pet is lost, however happily resides within the soul of the newly empowered Fynn Pet.
- While a Fynni Pet has many similar characteristics of a normal pet such as being summonable and even fighting, they are closer to catalysts than functioning pets. They cannot have names set, do not have an inventory, cannot be logged in with, cannot level up, do not age, cannot be sent on Pet Expeditions, and cannot rest at Pet Houses. They are happy little spirits that are content with merely existing!
- Ultimately, their desire is to be used during Fynn Syncing in order to help the pet grow into a powerful Fynn Pet.
- The Taming section of the Collection Journal will record the different types of Fynni Pets you've encountered.
- NPC Fionnait, a merchant located in the mystical new area Mag Mell, will happily adopt any Fynni Pets that you cannot care for and compensate you with some Gold (up to 30x a day) and Gold-Leaf Pine Cones (no limit).
- Fynn Crafting: Using your Fynn Bell, you can craft foods for your Fynn Pets to aid them in combat or materials needed for Fynn Syncing.
- Fynn Crafting is an active skill that requires a Fynn Bell to be equipped.
- The Skill Rank of Fynn Crafting will affect your odds of a Great Success as well as improve the duration of pet food consumables.
- You can craft basic materials needed for the talent.
- Check the Pet Trainer Guide for a list of the different items you can create as well as what materials they need to be crafted.
- Fynn Syncing: The extraordinary power of a Pet Trainer that allows you to merge Fynni spirits into a pet, granting it new powers as it evolves into a mighty Fynn Pet.
- Fynn Syncing is an active skill that requires a Fynn Bell to be equipped.
- The Skill Rank of Fynn Crafting will affect your odds of obtaining a Pet Perk for your Fynn Pet as well as additional functions exclusive to the Fynn Sync skill. These include Element Change, Fynn Bead Slot Expansion, and Friend Summon Slot Expansion.
- The act of Fynn Syncing as well as its auxiliary functions require various types of perfume materials, which can be obtained through Fynn Crafting.
- Harmonious Cosmos Perfume: Required to perform Fynn Syncing (1x per each sub-pet merged).
- Transformative Aster Perfume: Required to alter the element of a Fynn Pet.
- Bonding Violet Perfume: Required in order to add Friend Summon Slots to a Fynn Pet.
- Potent Bonding Violet Perfume: Also required in order to add Friend Summon Slots to a Fynn Pet.
- Courageous Borage Perfume: Required to add Fynn Bead Slots. Usable after August 2020 update.
- Potent Courageous Borage Perfume: Also required in order to add Fynn Bead Slots to a Fynn Pet. Usable after August 2020 update.
- Fynn Syncing merges pets registered to the sub-slot into the main pet, which is where their power comes from! Be mindful that pets registered to sub-slots this way will be lost forever, as they will now reside within the spirit of the main pet.
- Fynn Syncing merges several aspects from the sub-pet into the main pet:
- The main pet absorbs the cumulative level of all registered sub-pets, up to a maximum of 10,000 levels per each sub-pet.
- The main pet absorbs the inventory size of the sub-pets, giving the ability to hold up to 3 inventories at once. Note that if you attempt to add another inventory after reaching the maximum of 3, you will have the choice to exchange an existing inventory with the new one if the new one has a more preferable inventory size.
- The main pet absorbs the Pet Points of the sub-pets.
- The main pet absorbs the summon durations of the sub-pets, up to a maximum of 23 hours. This summon duration increase is applied starting the following day at 7:00 AM PDT.
- While Fynn Syncing has a chance to grant a Fynn Pet a new perk, if any sub-pets have a perk that the main pet does not, they will also be absorbed. Additionally, three new pet perks were added to the game.
- Multiple Fynni Pets can be used in the process as well.
- A pet must be at least level 50 in order to perform Fynn Syncing.
- If a pet has items in its inventory, it cannot be used for Fynn Syncing.
- Crossover/durational pets cannot be used for Fynn Syncing.
- Fynn Pets: The incredible result of creating a Fynn Pet through Fynn Syncing. These pets possess extraordinary powers far beyond that of normal pets.
- Fynn Pets are pets that have had Fynn Syncing performed at least one time on them.
- Fynn Pets have several new powers that set them apart from an ordinary pet:
- Once a pet becomes a Fynn Pet, it randomly receives one of five different elements. These are special additional effects that trigger when your pet performs regular attacks on enemies. It can only be ranked up through Fynn Syncing when the Fynn Pet absorbs other pets.
- The five elements are Uis, Sola, Tein, Gao, and Tala.
- Uis: Uses the power of water to inflict an additional area-of-effect attack around the target.
- Sola: Uses the power of lightning to inflict an additional area-of-effect attack around the target.
- Tein: Uses the power of fire to inflict damage-over-time to the target.
- Gao: Uses the power of wind to inflict damage-over-time to the target that also strikes other nearby enemies to the target.
- Tala: Uses the power of earth to inflict additional damage to the target.
- The element can be changed once your Fynn Sync skill reaches Rank C or better by using Transformative Aster Perfume.
- Please be aware that the first pet that you ever perform Fynn Sync on will receive a random element, and you can only change it to one of your choice after reaching Rank C or higher on Fynn Syncing and using the proper perfume.
- Fynn Pets receive the Fynn Pet Master skill, which improves various stats. It can only be ranked up through Fynn Syncing when the Fynn Pet absorbs other pets.
- Your pets attacks no longer knock down enemies, preventing the pet from accidentally interrupting your combos.
- Fynn Pets have attribute marks above them as well as in the Pet/Partner Information Window, which should help with distinguishing them from other pets.
- Fynn Pets can unlock Fynn Bead Slots (coming August 2020) through Fynn Syncing.
- Fynn Bead Slots can be unlocked once your Fynn Sync skill reaches Rank 9 or better by using Courageous Borage Perfume or Potent Courageous Borage Perfume.
- The perfume material required depends on which Fynn Bead Slot you are unlocking. You can unlock up to three Fynn Bead Slots on a Fynn Pet.
- These will allow you to equip Burnished Fynn Beads to unlock latent powers in your Fynn Pet.
- Fynn Pets can unlock Friend Summon Slots through Fynn Syncing.
- Friend Summon Slots can be unlocked once your Fynn Sync skill reaches Rank 5 or better by using Bonding Violet Perfume or Potent Bonding Violet Perfume.
- The perfume material required depends on which Friend Summon Slot you are unlocking. You can unlock up to five Friend Summon Slots on a Fynn Pet.
- These will allow you to register other pets to be briefly summonable during combat in order to activate the summon skill effects. The friend summon will be desummoned afterwards, and the cooldown will begin.
- If there is a buff on the pet that gets summoned through this power, it will be applied, however only some buffs will stack in the case of duplicates.
- Pet Perks: Existing Pet Perks have been improved and new ones added!
- There are multiple quick slots available for your pet that are used for your Pet Perk, pet main skill, Fynn Bead skill slots, and Friend Summon slots.
- You can fill the perk activation gauge by keeping your pet summoned, going into combat, and more. Once the gauge is filled, you can click it to activate the pet perk.
- Three perks have been updated and three have been added.
- Blue Shield: Increased effectiveness of Mana Shield and increased value of Magic Defense and Magic Protection.
- Healing Rays: The area-of-effect range of the heal increases, and will heal up to 7 characters at all Skill Ranks.
- Bonding Ties: The amount of EXP obtained greatly increases.
- *NEW* Wild Frenzy: Greatly increases pet's Minimum, Maximum, and Critical Damage.
- *NEW* Frozen Earth: Creates an area around the pet which stuns and damages enemies.
- *NEW* Wings of Haste: Greatly increases the pet's speed, as well as increases the Pet Trainer's movement speed.
Other Updates:
- Added a maximum movement speed cap. This is not currently attainable by players and the change doesn't affect the current movement speed bonuses or the way that the bonuses are currently stacked.
- The "A Grandmaster 20 Times Over" will be removed from the Journal as elfs and giants are unable to obtain it at the moment. This will be added back in August for the second Pet update.
The following bug fixes and changes have been made to the game:
- Fixed untranslated warning message when attempting to repair an item with a repair fee below 50,000 gold while using direct bank transaction.
- Fixed a typo in the Expedition Venture tooltip to 'Up to 12 expeditions can be dispatched at one time.'
- Adjusted the name of a Pet Quest to No Questions Asked.
- The client is known to pause slightly when closing the Pet Expedition Board in your Homestead (this issue was previously marked as a Known Issue, but did not actually occur on live servers).
- The rental service for Summer's Celtic weapons has Archery weapon mislabeled as Music.
The following are known bugs:
- The thread effects for the Puppetry and Gunslinger skills do not appear properly.
- The Large Ladle weapon will display as the same item color as the equipped item in the other hand.
- Cash items purchased with NX Credit will require you to try and claim the items twice before it moves into your inventory.
- Player character will hold the item Cup o' Joe incorrectly with a closed fist.
- There is an issue with the rain SFX to continue to play when teleporting to areas in the game.
- Some Players can't view Guild Members in Friends List.
- The Clear Fiodh Dungeon Intermediate 2/3 or above for the Pet Trainer Update Event incorrectly states that 50 coins when it should be 20.
- There is overlapping text in the new spirit gem filter selection screen.
- During the Talent Quest RP Mission "A Child Taken in," Pinkie's Rest skill is shown as Rank A but this will be changed to Rank E.
- There is a known color display issue when summoning Fynni pets with costumes such as: Succubus, Siren, Imp Fynni Pet Whistle.
- There is cutoff text in the UI when using the Trade Unlock Potion or Trade Unlock Letter of Guarantee,
"Items that are currently equipped and items that have the maximum number of Trade Unlocks will not be marked."
- The 'Request Mount' button disappears after Giant characters use a leash to walk Corgi pets.