Are you set for the latest BlabberBox mini? It's 12 minutes of hilarity, weirdness, and insighful human drama... but mostly hilarity and weirdness. In this episode of Blabber Box
-- 00:20 - 04:45: New Leaf Saga - Name calling, dimension-hopping, and a Test(er)! -- 04:45 - 07:00: Combat Arms -- Hack-noia -- 07:00 - 08:00: Sophisticated Gamer -- No More Worlds to Conquer -- 08:00 - 11:22: Rants & Raves -- E3 Edition -- 11:47 -- 12:49: E3 Bonus Video: The Quest for the Hat
We want to hear from you about Blabber Box! Head to the official game forums and tell us what you liked or disliked. Until next time, enjoy what's in the Box!