Dunbarton Adventurer's Association, July 8, 2011
Greeting Mabinogians!
Dragons may be in everyone's thoughts in Erinn, but they won't be in the Web Shop much longer! Get your fill of our fiery flying friends by securing your dragon pet and checking out the gallery of dragon-inspired art submitted by Erinn's finest artists on the Mabinogi Facebook! Citizens still need your help in the Independence Day Convoy Event, and the Puzzlemaster continues to put our minds to the test. Will he stump you? Independence Gachapon are still available, and finally head to the Question of the Week to see what your fellow Mabinogians value most about their Fantasy Life. Stick with Erinn Weekly for all the details of the week's events.
Last chance to Get a Dragon Pet!
Dragons are finally here! They take to the air, arrive by your side in a terrifying display of power, and take mounted combat to the next level! Breathe fire and fear into your enemies, then explore Erinn in your Dragon Rider Armor - free with pet purchase! Head over to the Web Shop and pick up yours before they leave the nest for good! Dragons will be on sale until July 12th.
Get yours!
The Lost Story of Golvan
A character in one of Shakespeare’s lost and unpublished works, this mysterious man appears in Erinn and believes himself a writer. However, because Golvan is in fact a character, he is cursed with not being able to complete any stories that he has written. This causes problems for the inhabitants of Erinn, and it's up to you to show this wayward writer/actor his true destiny!
Break through his writer's block!
The Mabinogi Dragon Art Festival Winners!
Even as dragons filled the skies of Erinn, artists flooded the streets with creations inspired by our new flying friends. We would like to thank all the wonderful artists who participated in the Mabinogi Dragon Art Festival, and congratulate all six of our lucky winners! Visit the Mabinogi Facebook page to see some of these fabulous dragons!
Go to the dragon gallery!
Ongoing: Independence Day Convoy Event!
Nothing swells national pride more than a common cause. Something to fight for, something to protect. Starting on June 29th, a special caravan departing from North Eastern Maiz Prairie will need YOUR protection! Your primary mission is to escort this Independence Caravan through Maiz Prairie. Monsters are attacking travelers with no provocation, and it is your responsibility to look after the well-being of the caravan. The caravan makes its final journey on Tuesday, July 12th.
Care for your convoy!
Solve the riddles of the Puzzlemaster!
On July 1st, a new event starting in Mabinogi will require a different kind of weapon. It won't be a sword, a bow, or a mace. This weapon won't come from alchemy or magic. It will come from within. It will come from the mind! Meet the Puzzlemaster!
Solve his riddles, win rewards!
Ongoing: Liberating New Items in Independence Day Gachapon!
With the new Independence Day Gachapon, we're giving you the freedom to choose! When using an Independence Day Gachapon, you'll be presented with nine boxes to choose from. With a great variety of rewards and the chance to get a full Nuadha set, the anticipation is palpable!
Take a chance!
Only a few days left: Masked Justice! Zorro Character Cards out now!
Zorro is a classic fictional icon, often characterized by his black outfit, dashing demeanor, and most of all, his skill with a sword. The likeness of Zorro can now be seen in Mabinogi with the Zorro Character Card, now available in the Mabinogi Web Shop! The Zorro Character Card comes equipped with a set of clothing that will allow you to pursue justice in style and guile!
Leave your mark!
Combo Card Items now available in the Cash Shop!
Premium Combo Cards are the answer to your Combo Card Woes. By picking up a Premium Combo Card Summons from the Web Shop, you will be able to generate a Premium Combo Card, right there on the spot. With a Premium Combo Card, you can change skills and even extend the lifetime of your Premium Combo Card through other items!
Get an upgrade!
Sprint Joins Nexon's BilltoMobile!
Nexon America is proud to announce that Sprint has joined the BilltoMobile program. Players can now purchase NX using mobile phones in the AT&T, Verizon and Sprint networks. We hope that this helps make our players’ gaming experience even more convenient and complete.
Get the details!
Question of the Week
Mabinogians, It’s time for the Question of the Week! We are always interested in what members of our community have to say! So we'd like to know, what are some of your favorite things about Mabinogi? What makes your gaming experience special?
I have opinions of my own -- strong opinions -- but I don't always agree with them. - George Bush
Here's what some of your fellow Mabinogians had to say:
My favorite thing by far is the campfire skill. I have a lot of memories just sitting around with my friends and chatting, and doing "Hunt Kobold Bandit" party quests from Bangor. - David K.
i like teh dragons. i mean, how often do you get a giant 500 pound winged beast that breathes lightning as your pet and mount in a game? - Tyson M.
How the game doesn't lean so heavily on the battle system. I've been with the game for a long time, also because of the great customer support and constant updates and a HUD that is easy to use. Almost everything about Mabinogi is great :D - Devn L.
What are you waiting for? Start your Fantasy Life now!