Mystic Celtic Box
2/8/2018 12:00:00 AM

Strange things are happening in Erinn, so gear up with the Mystic Celtic Outfit, or float majestically with the Mystic Crystal Outfit. Check out all of the new things in the Mystic Celtic Box today! See the full details here!
Mystic Celtic Box
Sale Dates: Thursday, Feb. 8 - Wednesday, Feb. 28
Mystic Celtic Box (1) |
Mystic Celtic Box
(11) |
Mystic Celtic Box
(25) |
Item Details:
Outfit and Wig pop-ups are a 360 view gif. Each box contains an item and a Refined Shadow Crystal.
New Items
Additional Items
- Hamelin's Tuner
- Milky Way Standing Microphone
- Milky Way Piano
- Milky Way Harp
- Pianissimo 2nd Title Coupon
- Forte 2nd Title Coupon
- Fortissimo 2nd Title Coupon
- Hamelin 2nd Title Coupon
- Colossus Helm
- Colossus Heavy Armor
- Colossus Gauntlets
- Colossus Boots
- Millia's Exploration Outfit
- Millia's Exploration Gloves
- Millia's Exploration Boots
- Fluffy Puppy Bag
- Droopy Dog Ear Headband
- Folded Dog Ear Headband
- Eweca, Ladeca, and Palala Spell Book
- Eweca and Ladeca Spell Book
- Eweca and Palala Spell Book
- Sheep Mini-Gem
- Sweet Gingerman Mini-Gem
- Savory Gingerman Mini-Gem
- Buttery Gingerman Mini-Gem
- Crispy Gingerman Mini-Gem
- Gathering Knife (Possible Enchants: Raccoon Cub, Belligerent/Fist, Belligerent/Pain, Merciless/Desert Spider, Tragic/Metal Needle, Principal's/Magnolia, or Stage/Thief)
- Broadsword (Enchant Prefix: Lion Hunter's, Suffix: Tireless)
- Gargoyle Sword (Enchant Prefix: Lion Hunter's, Suffix: Destruction)
- Claymore (Enchant Prefix: Lion Hunter's, Suffix: Destruction)
- Highlander Claymore (Enchant Prefix: Lion Hunter's, Suffix: Destruction)
- Two-handed Sword (Enchant Prefix: Lion Hunter's, Suffix: Destruction)
- Gladius (Enchant Prefix: Lion Hunter's, Suffix: Icicle)
- Great Sword (Enchant Prefix: Lion Hunter's, Suffix: Icicle)
- War Sword (Enchant Prefix: Lion Hunter's, Suffix: Icicle)
- Hooked Cutlass (Enchant Prefix: Lion Hunter's, Suffix: Icicle)
- Francisca (Enchant Prefix: Lion Hunter's, Suffix: Icicle)
- Mace (Enchant Prefix: Lion Hunter's, Suffix: Icicle)
- Meriel PE (Enchant Prefix: Apprentice's, Suffix: Automatic)
- Zeder II (Enchant Prefix: Apprentice's, Suffix: Automatic)
- Composite Bow (Enchant Prefix: Snowdrop, Suffix: Fancy)
- Leather Long Bow (Enchant Prefix: Snowdrop, Suffix: Fancy)
- Fairy Feather Bow
- Fixed Color Dye Ampoule (Hex: #F5F5DC, #B8860B, #B0E0E6, #003366, #556B2F)
- Fixed Color Metal Dye Ampoule (Hex: #F5F5DC, #B8860B, #B0E0E6, #003366, #556B2F)
- Crystal Hammer of Durability
- Platinum Hammer of Durability
- Golden Hammer of Durability
- Rusty Hammer of Proficiency
- Regular Gem Powder
- Fine Gem Powder
- Ancient Magic Powder
- Free Repair Kit (Magic School, Trading Post, Bangor Pub)
- Free Repair Kit (Blacksmith, Engineer, Alchemist)
- Free Repair Kit (Fleta)
- Free Repair Kit (General Shop)
- Free Repair Kit (Clothing Shop)
- Lorna's Goldbox
- Pan's Goldbox
- Blue Upgrade Stone
- Red Upgrade Stone
- Unrestricted Dungeon Pass
- Unlimited Shadow Mission Pass