Chocolatier Romance Event
2/1/2018 12:00:00 AM

The Chocolatier Romance Event is back with some more goodies! All you need to do is delve into delicious dungeons and battle for ingredients to complete your recipes! Will you choose Love or Hate? Check it all out below.
Chocolatier Romance Event
Event Dates: Thursday, Feb. 1 - Wednesday, Feb. 21
- Speak to Chocolette in Dunbarton to register a Main Character for the event
- You can gain 5 Secret Love Recipes or 5 Secret Hate Recipes
- Use the Recipe at the Iron Pot in Tara Royal Castle's kitchen to enter the Food Dungeon filled with chocolate and candy monsters
- Fight your way through the dungeon and gather all the ingredients needed to complete the Recipe
- Chocolate Fondue Stick monsters will drop the Chocolate Fondue Stick swords that can be used to damage the Defense/Protection of ingredients (requires Cumulative Level of 100 or higher)
- You can view the Recipe by going to your quest tab while in the Food Dungeon and reading the Quest Details
- Complete the Recipe of Love or Recipe of Hate to earn delicious prizes, including a special Bon-bon Mini Gem based on the completed recipes!
Event Rewards:
- Every Time Quest is Completed: 1x EXP Fruit (500%)
- Complete Quest 5 Times: Baby or Strawberry Bon-bon Mini Gems, depending on quest choice and a Doki Doki Pet Box
- Complete 8 Recipes: 2nd Title: Chocolatier (The Catering look becomes romantic. Stamina +15, Dexterity +12) and a Doki Doki Pet Box
Secret Recipe Kitchen Dungeon Rewards:
- Fancy Paramour Gift Box: Clear the Secret Recipe Kitchen Dungeon with 75 pts or higher.
- Plain Paramour Gift Box: Clear the Secret Recipe Kitchen Dungeon with 50 - 74 pts or higher.
- Mediocre Paramour Gift Box: Clear the Secret Recipe Kitchen Dungeon with 0 - 49 pts or higher.
Doki Doki Pet Box:
Will receive one of the four pets at random.
- Lovely Siamese
- Lovely Boston Terrier
- Lovely Labrador Retriever
- Lovely Scottish Fold
Fancy Paramour Gift Box:
All gift boxes have the same rewards, but the higher the gift box, the higher the rates for rare items.
- Patissier Hat and Wig (M)
- Patissier Wig (M)
- Patissiere Hat and Wig (F)
- Patissiere Wig (F)
- Patissier Outfit (M) (NEW!)
- Patissier Uniform (M)
- Patissiere Outfit (F) (NEW!)
- Patissiere Uniform (F)
- Patissier Gloves (M)
- Patissiere Gloves (F)
- Patissier Shoes (M)
- Patissiere Shoes (F)
- Almond Chocolate Stick
- Truffle Chocolate Stick
- Sprinkle Chocolate Stick
- Homestead Black Forest Cake
- Homestead Chocolate Lava Cake
- Homestead Chocolate Cream Puff
- Homestead Chocolate Mousse
- Black Forest Cake
- Chocolate Lava Cake
- Chocolate Cream Puffs
- Chocolate Mousse
Plain Paramour Gift Box:
- Patissier Hat and Wig (M)
- Patissier Wig (M)
- Patissiere Hat and Wig (F)
- Patissiere Wig (F)
- Patissier Outfit (M)
- Patissier Uniform (M)
- Patissiere Outfit (F)
- Patissiere Uniform (F)
- Patissier Gloves (M)
- Patissiere Gloves (F)
- Patissier Shoes (M)
- Patissiere Shoes (F)
- Almond Chocolate Stick
- Truffle Chocolate Stick
- Sprinkle Chocolate Stick
- Homestead Black Forest Cake
- Homestead Chocolate Lava Cake
- Homestead Chocolate Cream Puff
- Homestead Chocolate Mousse
- Black Forest Cake
- Chocolate Lava Cake
- Chocolate Cream Puffs
- Chocolate Mousse
Mediocre Paramour Gift Box:
- Patissier Hat and Wig (M)
- Patissier Wig (M)
- Patissiere Hat and Wig (F)
- Patissiere Wig (F)
- Patissier Outfit (M)
- Patissier Uniform (M)
- Patissiere Outfit (F)
- Patissiere Uniform (F)
- Patissier Gloves (M)
- Patissiere Gloves (F)
- Patissier Shoes (M)
- Patissiere Shoes (F)
- Almond Chocolate Stick
- Truffle Chocolate Stick
- Sprinkle Chocolate Stick
- Homestead Black Forest Cake
- Homestead Chocolate Lava Cake
- Homestead Chocolate Cream Puff
- Homestead Chocolate Mousse
- Black Forest Cake
- Chocolate Lava Cake
- Chocolate Cream Puffs
- Chocolate Mousse