See the Blossom Event

EVENT 4/13/2010 6:25:21 PM
There are many signs that show us springtime is upon us. The daylight shines longer. The weather becomes milder and pleasant. The hills of the countryside begin to blush in several shades of green. Flowers bloom in a glorious array of scent and color.

As you find yourself enjoying the relaxing spring days in Tir Chonaill, you will happen upon the disdained cries of a ghostly young man in the town’s graveyard. Because the ghost is bound to the graveyard, it is unable to roam the flourishing scenery outside of Tir Chonaill. The ghost asks you to return with a cherry blossom from a cherry tree.

You investigate the whereabouts of such trees by speaking with various residents of Tir Chonaill. Eventually, you learn that a few cherry trees have been spotted in the crossroads of Sen Mag prairie. Upon arriving at the crossroads, you attempt to remove a blossom from the tree. Unfortunately, before you are able to remove a tree branch, you must heal the tree, as it has undergone some damage.

Before long, Chief Kousai of Cor hears of your endeavor and asks that you pay him a visit. Kousai tells you that he can concoct a special healing potion that will rejuvenate the tree, however, you must deliver all the necessary ingredients. Once you’ve obtained everything you need, return to Kousai for the special potion. “Give” the healing salve to a cherry tree in order to receive a Blossom Tree Branch.

Once you’ve obtained the branch, return to the dismayed ghost in the Tir Chonaill graveyard. The ghost is ecstatic and thanks you for your kindness in allowing him to see the cherry blossom. As a gift, he constructs a coronet of cherry blossoms. This fine headpiece allows you to take the stunning aroma of cherry blossoms anywhere you go! You’ll have until April 27 to help the ghost see the blossom.