Allies of the Goddess Doll Bag Box
2/24/2016 12:00:00 AM

Who doesn't need a special friend to help them out and save them some time? The Allies of the Goddess Doll Bag is here to give you some help with Doll Bags full of up to three little partners that can boost your stats and pick up gold and items you leave in your wake. After all, what Milletian doesn't want some little friends along for the fun?
Allies of the Goddess Doll Bag Box
Sale Dates: Wednesday, Feb. 24 - Wednesday, Mar. 16th
Allies of the Goddess Doll Bag Box |
Allies of the Goddess Doll Bag Box Contents
The Allies of the Goddess Doll Bag Box contains one random Doll Bag, including those from the following list:

- Allies of the Goddess Doll Bag (NEW!)
- Summoning Time: 2.5 hours (summons three Renovation characters)
- Inventory Size: 9x9
- Bag Size: 4x3
- Bonus: STR+5, DEX+7, INT+7, WIL+5, Luck+7, MaxDmg+17, Crit+5, Prot+4, Def+5
- Gathers: Gold
- Friends of the Goddess Doll Bag
- Summoning Time: 4 hours (summons Ferghus, Kristell, and Young Tarlach)
- Inventory Size: 9x10
- Bag Size: 4x3
- Bonus: Luck+5, MaxDmg+5, Crit+5
- Gathers: Gold, weaving materials, tailoring materials, herbs, some potions, gems, ores (excluding Hillwen ores)
- Heroes of the Goddess Doll Bag
- Summoning Time: 2.5 hrs (summons Ruairi, Mari and Tarlach)
- Inventory Size: 9x9
- Bag Size: 4x3
- Bonus: STR+5, DEX+7, INT+7, WIL+5, Luck+7, MaxDmg+17, Crit+5, Prot+4, Def+5
- Gathers: Gold
- Ruari Doll Bag
- Summoning Time: 2 hrs
- Inventory Size: 7x7
- Bag Size: 2x3
- Bonus: MaxDmg+5, Prot+1
- Gathers: Gold
- Mari Doll Bag
- Summoning Time: 2 hrs
- Inventory Size: 6x6
- Bag Size: 2x3
- Bonus: DEX+2, Luck+1
- Gathers: Gold
- Tarlach Doll Bag
- Summoning Time: 2 hrs
- Inventory Size: 6x6
- Bag Size: 2x3
- Bonus: INT+2, Luck+1
- Gathers: Gold
- Ferghus Doll Bag
- Summoning Time: 3 hrs
- Inventory Size: 6x6
- Bag Size: 2x3
- Bonus: STR+5
- Gathers: Gold, gems, ores (excluding Hillwen ores)
- Kristell Doll Bag
- Summoning Time: 3 hrs
- Inventory Size: 6x6
- Bag Size: 2x3
- Bonus: DEX+5
- Gathers: Gold, weaving materials, tailoring materials
- Young Tarlach Doll Bag
- Summoning Time: 3 hrs
- Inventory Size: 8x6
- Bag Size: 2x3
- Bonus: INT+5
- Gathers: Gold, herbs and some potions
Note: You can mix and match these bags to combine their Bonus attributes, but only 3 dolls may be summoned at a time.