Golden Box of Delights Weekend Sale
8/26/2016 12:00:00 AM

The Golden Box of Delights is back! Packed to the brim with spectacular items designed to give your favorite Milletian the helping hand they need. Check out all the details below, but don't tarry: The Golden Box of Delights is only around for the weekend, so grab it while you can!
Golden Box of Delights
Sale Dates: 1:00 PM PDT Friday, Aug. 26 - 1:00 PM PDT Monday, Aug. 29
Golden Box of Delights
Golden Box of Delights Details
The Golden Box of Delights will give you one of each of the following:
When you use the Super Gold Combo Card Pack, a random card is auto-slotted into your Combo Card Tab (found in your Character Info UI). The Super Gold Como Card Pack will generate of the following cards upon use:
- Special Gold Combo Card: Warrior
- Skill Bonus: Smash
- Special Gold Combo Card: Archer
- Skill Bonus: Magnum Shot
- Special Gold Combo Card: Alchemist
- Skill Bonus: Water Cannon
- Special Gold Combo Card: Mage
- Skill Bonus: Icebolt
- Special Gold Combo Card: Fighter
- Skill Bonus: Charging Stike, Spinning Uppercut, Drop Kick
- Special Gold Combo Card: Puppeteer
- Skill Bonus: Act 1: Inciting Incident
- Special Gold Combo Card: Gunslinger
- Skill Bonus: Flash Launcher
- Only one Combo Card can be active at a time, regardless if it's a Gold Combo Card or regular Combo Card
- Once the Super Gold Combo Card Pack is used, the received Gold Combo Card will expire after 10 days