Point Attendance Event
6/11/2020 9:26:11 PM

It's time to take attendance with the Point Attendance Event! Log in and collect stamps every day to earn points for some animal themed items such as a Chipmunk Plushie Outfit and Splashy Balloon Puppy. You can even get a brand new Deep-forest Comfortable Treehouse Construction Set for your Homestead! Check out the full details below.
Point Attendance Event
Event Dates: Thursday, June 18th, After Maintenance - Thursday, July 16th, Before Maintenance
Event Details
- Log in each day on any character to collect stamps for your attendance sheet.
- You may only collect one stamp per day per account.
- Once you collect the stamp, you will get points.
- You must click the "Get Stamp" button to receive the stamp for the day.
- You cannot receive a stamp between 11:50 PM - 11:59 PM PDT real-time. The timer resets at 12 AM PDT real-time.
The longer you remain logged in, the more points you will receive. Look below to see how long you have to stay logged in to earn the most points!
- 0-29 mins: 5 points
- 30-59 mins: 10 points
- 60+ mins: 20 points
Event Prizes
- 15 Points: Attendance Point Box
- 50 Points:
- 100 Points:
- 150 Points: Complete Skill 2x EXP Potion (1 Day) (Event)
- 150 Points: Rusty Hammer of Proficiency (Event) (Expires: 7 Days)
- 150 Points: Squirrel Mascot Head
- 200 Points: Protective Blue Upgrade Stone (Event)
- 200 Points: Protective Red Upgrade Stone (Event)
- 200 Points: Perfect Skill Reset Capsule (Event)
- 220 Points: Platinum Hammer of Durability
- 220 Points: Rebirth Potion (Expires: 30 Days)
- 250 Points: Commerce Reforging Tool (Event)
- 400 Points: Fine Reforging Tool
Total Points Details
- All points received during the event will be added to your total points.
- Total points will remain unaffected if points are spent on other rewards.
- Once a certain amount of Total Points are obtained during the event, you can receive the Deep-forest Comfortable Treehouse Construction Set from the "Get Reward" button.
Total Points Rewards
- 50 Total Points:
- 100 Total Points:
- 200 Total Points:
- 300 Total Points:
- 450 Total Points:
- Homestead needs to be Level 9 or higher.
- Homestead house should be at Mansion level or higher.
- If the Treehouse is removed after construction, the house will disappear. You will need to construct the house from Level 1.
Attendance Point Box Reward List
- Pet Adoption Medal (Not tradable)
- Finest Shadow Crystal
- Protective Red Upgrade Stone (Event)
- Protective Blue Upgrade Stone (Event)
- Rebirth Potion (Expires: 30 Days)
- Platinum Hammer of Durability
- Perfect Skill Reset Capsule (Event)
- Fine Shadow Crystal
- Style Tab Key (30 Days) (Not tradable)
- Fixed Pet Dye Ampoule Gachapon (Event) (Expires: 21 Days) (Not tradable)
- Life 2x Skill EXP Potion (1 Day) (Not tradable)
- Music 2x Skill EXP Potion (1 Day) (Not tradable)
- Alchemy 2x Skill EXP Potion (1 Day) (Not tradable)
- Martial Arts 2x Skill EXP Potion (1 Day) (Not tradable)
- Dual Gun 2x Skill EXP Potion (1 Day) (Not tradable)
- Puppetry 2x Skill EXP Potion (1 Day) (Not tradable)
- Combat 2x EXP Potion (2 hours)
- Complete Skill 2x EXP Potion (1 Day) (Event) (Not tradable)
- Rusty Hammer of Proficiency (Event) (Expires: 7 Days)
- Guardian Soul Stone (Event) x3
- Full Recovery Potion (Event) x2
- Full Recovery Potion (Event)
- Easily Unfurling Tissue B (Not tradable) x5
- Forgetful Potion
- Movement Speed 40% Increase Potion (Event) (10 min)
- Nao's Soul Stone (Event) x3
- Pet EXP Potion (1 Day)
- Unlimited Shadow Mission Pass
- Ferghus's Free Repair Coupon (Not tradable)
- Special Dye Ampoule (Event) (Expires: 30 Days)
- Special High Speed Gathering Potion (Event) (Expires: 30 Days)
- Age Potion - 9
- Age Potion - 10
- Age Potion - 11
- Age Potion - 12
- Age Potion - 13
- Age Potion - 14
- Age Potion - 15
- Age Potion - 16
- Age Potion - 17
- Age Potion - 18
- Name/Chat Color Change Potion (Event)
- Free Repair Kit (Clothing Shop)
- Guardian Soul Stone (Event)
- Nao's Soul Stone (Event)