Recovery of an MMO Junkie x Mabinogi Event
10/19/2017 2:58:16 PM

Relive the adventures of Lily and Hayashi from Recovery of an MMO Junkie by running through treacherous dungeons together with your best friend! Conquering Alby Dungeon with your best friend will give you a chance to receive a pair of Meet-Cute Bracelets, just like Lily and Hayashi! Give one pair to your friend and receive special bonuses and effects when you are close to each other! Find out more details here.
Recovery of an MMO Junkie Event
Event Dates: Thursday, November 9 - Wednesday, December 13
Event Details
- Run through certain difficulties of Alby and open the end chest to have a chance to receive a Peas in a Pod Gift Box.
- Difficulties:
- Intermediate
- Advanced
- Advanced Hardmode
- Open the Peas in a Pod Gift Box to receive a pair of Meet-cute Bracelets!
- Give one pair of bracelets to another person.
- If you and your friend both wear the bracelets in the same region, then both players will receive a special effect.
- Moving Speed +2%
- Minimum Damage +3
- Max Damage +3
- Bracelets must be from the same box to receive the effect.
- If the distance between wearers is more than 10m, then an arrow effect will appear to show you the direction of the other user.
- If distance between wearers is under 10m, then a light particle effect will appear around you.