P.E.T. Part 2 - Patch Notes - August 13th
7/30/2020 9:40:25 PM

Check out all of the details of this month's Patch Notes, featuring the Pawsitively Elite Training (P.E.T.) Part 2 update! Check out the microsite for more details!
The following Events, Sales, and Promotions are running:
- Marine Basket Sale: Thursday, August 6th, After Maintenance - Thursday, August 27th, Before Maintenance
- Mag Mell Expedition Support Hot Days: Thursday, August 13th, After Maintenance - Thursday, August 27th, Before Maintenance
- Hair Dye Ampoule Selection Box: Thursday, August 13th, After Maintenance - Thursday, September 10th, Before Maintenance
- Shining Hearts Event: Thursday, August 13th, After Maintenance - Thursday, September 3rd, Before Maintenance
- Summer Master Plan: Thursday, July 9th, After Maintenance - Thursday, September 24th, Before Maintenance
- Erinn Beauty Box & Eye Style Storage Coupon: Thursday, August 13th, After Maintenance - Permanent
- Includes information on new eye and skin colors!
New Updates:
- The P.E.T. Part 2 update is now live! Explore the secrets of Mag Mell and reach a new pinnacle of power with your pets with brand new Fynn Beads!
- A new Pet Trainer skill is unveiled: Fynn Bead Burnishing. Obtain the skill by continuing the Pet Trainer talent questline!
- You can reach new and mysterious areas by taking the Geatas north of Mag Mell.
- Check out the newly updated Pet Trainer Guide for additional information on Fynn Bead Burnishing and new recipes!
- Dynamic Lands & The Forest of Four Seasons: Come face-to-face with the protectors of Mag Mell, Fleur and Kerune, in their respective dungeon missions!
- Dance with Fleur in the Forest of Four Seasons and challenge her prowess. You might just be able to entertain the great Fairy!
- Duel with Kerune in his domain in the Dynamic Lands. A chance encounter with a mighty guardian of Mag Mell!
- Check out some of their potential rewards on the microsite!
- Fynn Beads: Mysterious marbles which contain the power of the Fynn. Burnish these beads to unlock their latent power!
- Obtained from the new dungeon missions, Faded Fynn Beads must be Burnished by a Pet Trainer before they are equipped to a Fynn Pet.
- Leveling the Fynn Burnishing skill allows you to Burnish higher grade Faded Fynn Beads.
- After reaching Rank 1 of Fynn Bead Burnishing, the skill can be advanced further through Dan Advancement.
- Dan Rank 1 of the skill grants you the power to Burnish Master Faded Fynn Beads!
- A Fynn Pet must have open Fynn Bead Slots through Fynn Sync in order to be equipped with a Fynn Bead. Open the Pet/Partner Information Window (Default hotkey: T) and drag a Burnished Fynn Bead onto an open slot to equip it.
- After Burnishing a Faded Fynn Bead, the marble will have a rank and skill depending on the grade of the bead and the performance of the player during the Burnishing process.
- Floral Shield: A Fynn Bead skill that channels the power of the Flower Fynni. It creates a barrier of petals that surround the body, guarding against enemy attacks.
- Fynni Punch: A Fynn Bead skill that channels the power of the Punching Fynni. It creates a shower of punches that rain down around the pet, each infused with the soul of the Punching Fynni. Enemies within the skill's area will be pummeled.
- Repelling Force: A Fynn Bead skill that channels the power of the Vector Fynni. Creates a gravitational field in the vicinity of the caster that damages enemies while pushing them away.
- Rush of Wind: A Fynn Bead skill that channels the power of the Gust Fynni. Deals damage to enemies in the path of any of the gusts of wind.
- Healing Bubble: A Fynn Bead skill that channels the power of the Bubble Fynni. Upon activation, it creates bubbles of rainbow color around the pet. When the master or any party members touch these bubbles, the healing powders will sprinkle in the area, replenishing both HP and MP.
- Pulling Force: A Fynn Bead skill that channels the power of the Vector Fynni. Creates a gravitational field in the vicinity of the caster that damages enemies while drawing them in.
- Once a Fynn Bead is equipped, it cannot be unequipped to return the bead to the inventory. It can be replaced, however the original bead would be lost.
- You cannot replace a Fynn Bead with another that has the same skill but of a lower rank.
- You can replace a Fynn Bead with another that has a different skill even if it's of lower rank.
- Pet Harmony: Play with your pets and synergize them with your allies' pets! Read more about Pet Harmony in its own guide.
- Harmony of Affection: Effect is obtained when using a Pet Playset to play with your pet! This harmony increases the benefits of a life skill of your choice. Among these include Divine Link, Campfire, Commerce, Gathering, Smithing, Sheep Shearing, Carpentry, and Pet Training.
- Harmony of Curiosity: This harmony applies to all party members depending on the number of pets that are summoned that have different appearances. The Harmony of Curiosity increases the duration of Music Buffs.
- Harmony of Delight: This harmony applies to all party members depending on the number of pets that are summoned that have the same appearances. The Harmony of Delight reduces the cooldown interval between procs of a Fynn Pet's elemental skill.
- New Recipes: Create new and wondrous items! Check the Pet Trainer Guide for a list of new items to make and where to obtain the materials needed to make them!
- Grandmaster Pet Trainer: Reach the pinnacle of what it means to be a Pet Trainer.
- As a Grandmaster Pet Trainer, you can activate the Grandmaster Unique Effect for the following bonuses:
- Fynn Sync Great Success Rate +3%.
- Receive some materials back at a set chance when you successfully craft using Hillwen Engineering and Magic Craft.
Other Updates:
- The Pet Adoption Medal will remain in the cash shop as a permanent item that can be bought.
- Four-leaf Clovers can now be stacked in your inventory.
- The dungeon reward box for the Awakened Abyssal Lord mission has been modified to be created in the center of Mananan Temple instead of the character's location.
The following bug fixes and changes have been made to the game:
- Fixed an issue where Tuned Instrument SFX were changed. They should be back to their original sound now.
- The Pet Trainer Talent titles have been changed from "Wanderer" to "Pet Whisperer."
- Fixed an issue where the rain SFX continued to play when teleporting to areas in the game.
- Fixed an issue with overlapping text in the Ego Gem Filter UI.
- Revised the UI text when using the Trade Unlock Potion or Trade Unlock Letter of Guarantee to state
"Items that are currently equipped and items that have the maximum number of Trade Unlocks will not be marked."
- Fixed a rare issue where the Fynni Fynn Pet does not automatically get named correctly during the Talent acquisition questline.
- Fixed the special animation for the Adorable, Chic, and Friendly Scuba Wear sets.
- Fixed the text for Meles's Scimitar upgrade in the Item Upgrade UI.
- Adjusted the warning message in your Homestead to mention partners and summoned creatures when attempting certain actions.
- Included a warning message when purchasing items with limited allowable trades in the Auction House to notify that the trade count will be reduced by 1.
- Adjustments have been made to "Share Food" quest for Memoir Part 3.
- "Share Food 50 Times" can be done only once per day (real time) from now on.
- The day will reset on 7 am in real time.
- The number of objectives from the quest will be reduced from 5 to 1.
- The reward for the quest "A Reflective Reception" has been corrected from "Rabbie Phantasm Dungeon Pass x2" to "Rabbie Phantasm Dungeon Mirror World Pass x2".
- Corrected the description of the Fynn Pet Talent skill Tala.
The following are known bugs:
- The thread effects for the Puppetry and Gunslinger skills do not appear properly.
- The Large Ladle weapon will display as the same item color as the equipped item in the other hand.
- Cash items purchased with NX Credit will require you to try and claim the items twice before it moves into your inventory.
- Player character will hold the item Cup o' Joe incorrectly with a closed fist.
- Currently, there is a bug that the Fleaur's Grass Tiara doesn't increase the Music Buff Duration as long as it is described. This issue will be fixed through the future update.
- Warning message that appears when buying limited allowable trade items in the Auction House currently displays as "OK" in the header.
- When using a Talent Reset Capsule, scrolling the displayed UI has a slight overlap in the text.
- Some Shadow Mission Quests have overlapping text when viewing the mission details in the UI.
- The "Share Food" Memoir Quest Part 3 has some overlapping text in the Quest Info.