Alchemy Basics: Fragmentation and Synthesis
1/29/2010 2:39:45 PM
Alchemy can be complicated for those just starting out, so understanding the fundamentals is absolutely essential. The fundamentals of Alchemy are the Fragmentation and Synthesis skills.To get started, head to the Alchemist’s House in Taillteann. There, you’ll meet Dorren, the head Alchemist in a town famed for its Alchemy. Purchase a certain book from her to obtain the Fragmentation skill. The Synthesis skill requires a bit more experience, so you have to be at least Level 30 before you can learn it.The Fragmentation and Synthesis skills both require your hands to be empty and both use dry ovens, found near the Alchemist’s House. The Fragmentation skill lets you take items like Iron Ingots, Mythril Plates, various potions, and other crafted products and break them down into smaller components. You could take a Wizard Hat, for example, and fragmentize it into Common Leather and Cheap Finishing Thread. The results are slightly random and there’s a chance you can botch the fragmentation, so make sure you’re confident of your skill before fragmenting valuable items.
Synthesis, on the other hand, is the hot to Fragmentation’s cold. Instead of breaking items apart, Synthesis lets you combine several items together to make something better. All you have to do is place any three items into a dry oven and use your Synthesis skill. The chance for a successful Synthesis is greater if all the items are of the same type. If, for example, you want a higher chance to create a new bow, then make sure all three items you place into the dry oven are bows. Like Fragmentation, though, Synthesis can be tricky. You might end up ruining the items you’re trying to Synthesize. Experiment to see what combinations you can discover. It’s a gamble, but the rewards are fantastic! Those are the basics of Alchemy, but there’s much more to the new skill that will be revealed in the upcoming release of Mabinogi: Alchemist!