Compensation for Extended Game Update
2/10/2010 10:59:17 PM
Hello Mabinogians!We will be giving away a two hour 2X Exp potion from the cash shop! Only one item from the cash shop is available per account, so choose your receiving character carefully!To get your free 2X Exp Potion, log into the character you want to get the item and click the Shop icon in the lower right hand corner of the screen. You will be taken to the Item Shop Inventory, which is essentially the "loading dock" where you can receive items. Click the "Go to Shop" button to access the item shop.The free 2X Exp Potion will be the first item you may buy. To purchase it, click the "Buy" button. You will then be taken to a checkout window where you are then prompted to choose your payment type: NX Credit (PayPal) or NX Prepaid (gamecards). Choose either one, then click the checkout button. A confirmation window will appear, informing you that your purchase has been successful.Close the item shop window, and you will see your brand new, free 2X Exp Potion waiting for you in your Item Shop Inventory. Make sure you have enough room in your inventory to hold the item, then click it to place the potion into your inventory.