Erinn Weekly -- August 6, 2010
8/6/2010 5:14:35 PM

Dunbarton Adventurer's Association, August 6th, 2010
Greetings Mabinogians!
It's almost here! Sword of the Gods is coming August 11th! Have you had a chance to check out the previews on Facebook, the website, and forums? There's so much happening in Mabinogi, it's hard to keep track of it all! Check out a break down of what was announced this week on our path to the Sword and remember, swords don't kill Fomors -- you do!
Sword of the Gods: August 11th, 2010
Save the date! Mabinogi's next big update, Sword of the Gods, arrives August 11th. Get ready for Mabinogi's next chapter. To prepare you for what's to come, we've put together a trailer of the battle that lay ahead.
Check it out!
Time to Celebrate!
While we have one video teasing the story of Sword of the Gods, we couldn't help but make just one more. With new features come happy Mabinogians. In fact, they're so happy they feel like dancing! Check out this clip of Erinn busting some moves.
It's a dance party!
Dragon Boat Racing Returns!
You asked for it, and now Dragon Boat Races are back! Gather friends and work to make it down the river in record time with these dragon-themed boats. Finish fast enough, and win a unique prize!
On your mark. Get set...
Bundle Gachapon Sale
Time's almost up! For five more days, the in-game cash shop will be having a Gachapon Bundle sale! Until August 10th, you can purchase 10 Gachapon of any type and you save 10%! That’s the same as netting yourself a free Gachapon. Act fast to get everything you’ve always wanted in the Production, Fashion, Exploration, and Soldier Gachapon!
Get the details
Ongoing: Ship off in a Sailor Costume! Available only July 21 - August 31!
The summertime is a great time to get out and see the world. Join the Royal Tara Navy and get your own Limited Premium Character Card from the Premium Shop. For the next three weeks, from July 21 to August 31, you will have the opportunity to get your very own Sailor Uniform.
Anchors Aweigh!
Question of the Week
The jungles of Courcle have been echoing with the splash of oars and the yells of Dragon Boat racers. We'd like to know how you feel about the event. What's your best time and what strategies did you use to get down the river faster?
Who knew Mabinogians would take to the water like... well, a duck to water! Our Question of the Week was full of all sorts of interesting responses about how much you're enjoying Dragon Boat racing. We've also heard all sorts of interesting startegies on how to win and get good times, but the bioggest one seems to be the most obvious -- communicate with each other, concentrate and support each other as a team. Good advice for alomst anything, as a matter of fact!
"Being on a boat that's moving through the water, it's so clear. Everything falls into place in terms of what's important and what's not." - James Taylor, Erinn philosopher
Let’s see what some of your fellow Mabinogians had to say:
"My best time was 7:40. One way to go faster was to have everyone paddling at all times. When a hobgoblin hops on, have the strongest get up and knock him out. Don't send everyone at the same time! "– Vincent C.
"Paddle, Windmill and get on the oar as fast as possible. Do NOT steer... and we will get there in 7:45 with no problem!" – Alexander T.
"My best time was 7:46 with eight people. Have one person that's great at steering, one Rank 1 Windmiller, and have the rest rowing for their lives. It always works."– Crystal G. Check out the Facebook thread!Read about Dragon Boats!Community Spotlight
What's your oldest item?
In other games, the newest and shiniest is always best. In the world of Mabinogi, however, some players have come to regard their favorite items with affection. A treasured hat. Your first enchanted weapon. Do you have an item you just won't let go? What is it?
Talk about it here!
Mabinogi on Facebook
Have you joined us on Facebook yet?
The official Mabinogi Facebook page is the place to be to get the latest information on what's happening in Erinn! You can take part in some fun activities, get in on some great contests, and possibly walk away with some real-world loot! You might even find yourself quoted in Erinn Weekly. Tell your friends that the Mabinogi Facebook page is the place to be!