Erinn Weekly -- October 1st, 2010
10/10/2010 12:00:00 AM

Dunbarton Adventurer's Association, October 1st, 2010
Greetings Mabinogians!
The world is changing! Morrighan has opened her eyes, Giants are changing, and the waters hold many more secrets. In this shifting world, what is truth today is memory tomorrow. Don't worry, though. Stick with Erinn Weekly to know everything you need to know about Mabinogi.
Change is coming!

The world of Mabinogi will soon be shifting! What changes will be happening? What new pathways will make their ways known? And why does Morrighan look so enraged? Confused? You won't be, after this new update to Mabinogi.
The mystery begins!
A New Day for Giants!
Giants are receiving a whole new look! While they still stand tall, Giants will be a more slender and lithe race. Don't worry, their power will remain unchained and uncompromised!
Check out the changes!
The Fishing Event Unveiled!
There's treasure in them thar waters! Penguin Suits, Shark Robes, and Ivory Swords are biting (somehow), and they're there for the taking. Grab a pole, fill up on bait, and test your luck in the endless water.
Search the waters!
Ongoing: The Mystery Box!
The Mystery Box is selling fast, and for good reason! They contain some of the greatest treasures ever seen in Mabinogi. Thunderbirds, premium character cards, and even more await those who are adventurous enough to try Mabinogi's most rewarding gift box yet!
Try your luck!

Blockbuster by Mail
When you want to take a break from your fantasy life, why not enjoy some fantasy stories? Blockbuster offers cheap prices on having video games, Blu-Rays, and DVDs sent straight to your house! What's more, signing up will net you 4,185 NX Cash!
Take part in this great deal!
Question of the Week
As we move closer to the Giant Renewals, we want to know what your favorite thing about Giants is. What do you like most? Why?
Giants are often overlooked in the world of Mabinogi, but that doesn't mean that they are inferior. They're powerful, they're imposing, and they consider an entire tree to be a basic weapon. But why do our players like them? It turns out, for a wide variety of reasons!
"If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants." - Isaac Newton
Let’s see what some of your fellow Mabinogians had to say:
"I love the giant's ability to duel wield blunt weapons. I wish my human was capable of duel wielding maces, too. I also love that giants aren't afraid of being big and burly when the rest of the world is skinny and waxed."~ Vee Eaton
"Giants are body builders. That's why they have excellent Triceps, Biceps, and Abs! They also can carry people around, which is a plus."~ Jacob S.
"My favorite thing about giants is sniping them from afar in Elf vs. Giant PVP. Ahaha, those stupid giants never saw what hit them. Down with Giants, Up with Elves! Go, Elves, Go!." ~ Coco S. (Wait... ~Ed.)
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