Join the Soul Streamers!
9/2/2020 5:16:28 PM

What is Soul Streamers?
Soul Streamers is a partnership program for Mabinogi’s best and brightest content creators.
Members receive official support including monthly gacha rewards, giveaway opportunities, promotion on Mabinogi social channels, and more!
Who Can Apply?
Mabinogi content creators who meet our minimum criteria are eligible to apply.
Minimum Applicant Criteria
- Regularly creating Mabinogi-related content (once per month)
- High-quality content that engages viewers and the Mabinogi community
- Minimum 15+ average viewers per stream
- AND 360+ minutes (6+ hours) total streamed per month
- These can be creative or gameplay focused streams
- 1+ video per month with a minimum of 250+ views total
- Video content can be game related or combination with creative content related to Mabinogi
Other Platforms
- Unique, creative content in image, video, stream, or other media format that engages followers and viewers (eg. Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, etc.)
- At least 1,000 followers**
**Consideration does not automatically guarantee membership. You will receive an email from us upon acceptance into the program.
Applications will be reviewed and measured against content quality and activity. Users with any Nexon Terms of Service violations on record will not be considered for the Soul Streamers program.
You, your channel, services and content must: not contain any of the following:
- Comply with and not violate, or promote the violation of, Nexon’s Terms of Service;
- Comply with and not violate, or promote the violation of, Nexon America's Influencer Policy, which you agree to by becoming a Soul Streamers member.
- Not promote or contain content that Nexon deems as illegal, racist, sexist, hateful, pornographic or otherwise offensive.