Get an amazing Crystal Deer!

ANNOUNCE 2/8/2011 10:12:10 PM
A fierce cacophony of growls surrounds you, and you brandish your sword helplessly against a pack of hungry wolves… when suddenly, a merciless ice storm is stirred up to stun the evil spirits in their track. A pair of translucent antlers emerges out of the silver storm, and you finally see that it is the new ethereal Crystal Deer in flight, dashing at a mad speed to your rescue!

Mount the Crystal Deer and hold on tight, traveller. Its powerful hoofs will swiftly carry you as fast as a Thoroughbred, faster if you use the Charge skill. Do you prefer to fly? Well, the Crystal Deer will elegantly soar with you through the crisp wintry air. Need to sneak away from an unwanted crowd? Use Hide, and your stag will safely carry you through the sea of enemies. Monsters way too eager to see you? Summon the Crystal Deer and stun your enemies for a few seconds with the Ice Storm skill. When the Crystal Deer sparkles, it means serious business.

Every powerful yet graceful color-selectable Crystal Deer comes with a regal gift of the Crystal Antler in a matching color for its beholder in its spacious 6x10 inventory. Is it too good to be true? Well, we think so too, so the Crystal Deer is available for a limited time only! Don’t let the snow storm slow you down. Instead, kick off into the winter sky and enjoy the breathtaking view of Erinn with the new Crystal Deer!