Erinn Weekly -- January 28, 2011
1/28/2011 4:25:46 PM

Dunbarton Adventurer's Association, January 28, 2011
Greetings Mabinogians!
What's that you say? We've gone for some time without an event that revolved around fashion? That will never do! This is Mabinogi after all, where clothing is life! Check out the new Hamlet masquerade event for your chance to show off your finest Elizabethan attire. Of course we've also got our usual awesome events to look at, the new production gachapon is still available and we put you in the spotlight for the Question of the Week. Stick with the Erinn Weekly for all the details of the week's events.
A Hamlet Masquerade Event!

Calling all Lords and Ladies! To welcome the arrival of Hamlet, a very Shakespearean Cosplay event shall be held. Grab your finest garb and your best adornments, and get ready to put on your best costume of a character from Hamlet!
Dress in your best!
*Updated* PvP Tournament Event!
You've shown your talent in the Life Skills with the Mabinogi Music Sensation. Are you ready to show off your combat skills? Battle your fellow adventurers for prizes and the ultimate glory! We're getting ready to launch the PvP Tournament Event!
PvP Tournament Brackets
We are happy to announce the brackets for each server. The first two rounds will take place Monday through Friday in Channels 1 and 2 of each server. For specific times, please check out the matchups!
Finish him!
Ongoing: Production Gachapon Renewal + Artisan Upgrade Removal Kit!
Production Gachapon have once again been renewed! Now’s your chance to snag past items in pattern form! You’ll be able to craft some rare blacksmith items using Muramasa and Yoshimitsu manuals. Stitch up some fancy new clothes with sewing patterns that include the Bolero & Jumper Skirt, Apron Dress, Maid Dress, Butler Suit, and many other rare items!
Get your items now!
Question of the Week
The Hamlet update introduced the new Theatre dungeons, which has the interesting spotlight mechanic. What spotlights do you prefer when grouping with others and why?

Do you share the spotlight or are you a diva for fame?
"When Alexander the Great visited Diogenes and asked whether he could do anything for the famed teacher, Diogenes replied: 'Only stand out of my light.'" ~ John W. Gardner
Let’s see what some of your fellow Mabinogians had to say:
"I'd rather be the sole leading lady. I dunno, I just love to be in the spot light solo. To look and be totally epic while kicking ass, the yellowish/white spot light is best." ~Dannie C.
" I steal all of the spotlight for myself! I don't care what color it is, if it's there it's mine to bask in!! *insert egotistic laughter here*" ~Ishen J.
"When teaming up for theater adventures i like all spotlights just to give me attention, but my favorite is the blue spotlight. It makes me feel incredulously strong. Not only does it make me feel like that it,also makes me a monster diva for fame :3 *takes the spotlight*" ~Jose R.
Check out the Facebook thread!
Community Spotlight
Lute & Ukelele
We're going to warn you in advance. This is a RickRoll. Watch it anyway. It's totally worth it.
Watch the video!
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