Erinn Weekly -- April 8, 2011
4/8/2011 12:00:00 AM

Dunbarton Adventurer's Association, April 8, 2011
Greetings Mabinogians!
How much of the Renaissance do you have in you? You'll get the chance to show us if you participate in our Renaissance Portrait Contest! In other Mabinogi news, we've got a bunch of great events going on, including the Animal Dungeon Event and Shadow Mission Bingo. In honor of the upcoming release of Mabinogi Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, our Question of the Week discusses the most romantic spots in Erinn. Finally, rock out to a Ferghus-licious Mabi-inspired video in Community Spotlight! Stick with Erinn Weekly for all the details of the week's events.
The tale of two star-crossed lovers is coming to Mabinogi!

O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? Shakespeare’s famous story of love and tragedy is coming to embrace the world of Erinn.
What light through yonder window breaks?
Ongoing: The Renaissance Portrait Contest!
The Renaissance was a time when the fine arts flourished. With Hamlet concluded and Romeo & Juliet on the horizon, we’d like to see the kind of Renaissance masterpieces the Mabinogi community can produce! Grab your brushes and show us your best rendition of a Renaissance style portrait of your character!
Get with the brushes, Leonardo!
Pets only! Animal Dungeon Event now underway!
Where would a Mabinogian be without his or her faithful pet companions? Pets are one of the major features of Mabinogi and now they have their very own event dungeon to explore, without the guidance of their masters!
Go, Lassie, go!
Ongoing: Shadow Mission Bingo!
If you haven't done so already, come join in on the fun with Shadow Mission BINGO! This event continues until Saturday, April 23. Complete daily Shadow Missions in order to fill your bingo card and earn awesome prizes.
Follow Belita's Artifact Map to Hidden Treasure!

Belita has had plenty of time to chart the treasures of the Zardine region. We have gathered as many of Belita’s maps as we could and placed them into the Mabinogi cash shop. Looking at one of Belita’s Artifact Maps will instantly grant you an item, along with the chance to complete a Zardine Artifact Collection Book. If you do so, you will be rewarded by the legendary Cromm Cruaich!
NX marks the spot!
Question of the Week
Mabinogians! This past week saw the announcement of the next episode of Mabinogi Shakespeare, Romeo & Juliet! In honor of the most romantic play in history, we’d like to know, what do you think are the most romantic places in Erinn?

"The life of man is the true romance, which when it is valiantly conduced, will yield the imagination a higher joy than any fiction." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Let’s see what some of your fellow Mabinogians had to say:
"The most romantic spot in Erinn would have to be Ceo Island. Beautiful grass, elegant sea, and golems to slaughter with your lover." ~ Cody L.
"My top most favorite spot would have to be Emain Macha. Over the bridges, sitting amongst the grass on that small island going towards or from Osna Sail...especially at night on a clear sky with both moons traveling against the stars with the reflection of both characters in the water. It's like they too are in the sky, unreachable and exclusive only to them." ~ Brittney T.
"Corrib Valley has to be it. There's harmless animals of undoubted grace (I'm not talking about the raccoons), there's a waterfall there, and you can walk in the river. Sadly, Corrib is just a pathway connecting Taillteann and Tara, so it's highly unappreciated despite it's simple beauty." ~ Mike P.
Check out the Facebook thread!
Community Spotlight
"You're my witness! (Oh No!) Oh did your dura drop drop? Well you'll be lining down the block just for my weapon shop!" Pop culture gets a Mabi twist in this fan's interpretation of 'Fergalicious.' "Listen up y'all, cuz this is it!"
Four, tres, two, uno!
What are you waiting for? Start your fantasy life now!