*UPDATED!* Memorial Pet Sale July 25 - July 31
7/22/2011 2:18:27 PM
Have you missed a limited-sale pet in the past that you wish you could get your hands on nowadays? Now you can rest easy in knowing that
FIVE limited-time pets will have a
VERY limited re-release during the week of
July 25th.
Each day a new limited pet will go on sale. Each of these previously limited pets will be sold for ONLY two days before they go off sale again. The first pet will go on sale
early Monday morning and the final pet will go off sale
late Sunday evening.
To get you in the mood, we're going to announce the first pet for the pet memorial sale: the
Panda! Check back to this post all next week to see the four other pets to make a brief re-emergence!
PandaJuly 25 - July 27
The second pet up for limited re-sale is the magnificent Thunderbird! That's right, the first flying pet to ever come to Mabinogi will be back for two days only, starting July 26th. If you missed your chance getting a Thunderbird, don't miss your second. Thunderbirds will go off sale on July 28th!
ThunderbirdJuly 26 - July 28
On Wednesday, July 27th, the Beyaya teddy bear goes on limited re-sale! Get this cute little stuffed animal, and show your adversaries that looks can be deceiving.
Beyaya teddy bears are just as powerful as other bear pets, and they'll teach monsters to think twice before showing aggression toward their masters!
July 27 - July 29
The Unicorn, Mabinogi's very first limited-sale mount will be returning to the Web Shop for a short time, between July 28 and July 30. Like the Shire and Halflinger, this ivory-colored mystical creature can carry up to two riders on its back. Now is your second chance to grab the
Unicorn pet!
UnicornJuly 28 - July 30
The Flying Star Broom are the final pet to be revealed in the Mabinogi Memorial Pet Sale. This snazzy-looking broom will get you need to go in no time! Flying Stars have a respectable speed in the air and move as fast as a Shire horse while on land. Grab your Flying Star Broom between July 29 and July 31!

Flying Star Broom
July 29 - July 31
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