Erinn Weekly -- September 9, 2011

ANNOUNCE 9/9/2011 11:41:08 AM

Dunbarton Adventurer's Association, September 9, 2011

Greeting Mabinogians!

You're going to want to be on top of your schedule this week in Erinn, because there are some great events going on! Be sure to check your syllabus for this semester in the Back to School events. Make sure you make it to class every day, because the rest of your "school" (or server) is counting on your attendance! The Jumping in the Rain Character Cards are only available through September 13, so hurry and get your feet wet! The Mighty Mugg contest launched, and the Mabinogi Notebook Design Contest winners have been announced. Finally, head to the Question of the Week to see what your fellow Mabinogians would prefer for prizing in place of potions. Stick with Erinn Weekly for all the details of the week's events.


Last Chance! Jumping in the Rain Character Cards

Monsoon season has arrived in Erinn! Protect yourself from the torrential rains in some truly fashionable rain wear. Each Jumping in the Rain character card comes with a Vanalen Rain Coat, Vanalen Rain Boots, and one of three random umbrellas: clear, frog, and lace. Equip your umbrella to open it and prop it over your shoulder, then perform a spirited leap by pressing the spacebar on your keyboard! Hurry, these character cards are only available through September 13th!

Rain rain go away!

Back to School Events

It’s time to go back to school, Mabinogians, and we’ve got a whole course schedule for the month of September! We’ll be grading you each week and the server (or “school”) with the highest grades will win a great weekend reward. Check out the classes available this year! Event runs through October 2.

May the best student win!

Mabinogi Mighty Mugg Character Creation!

Have you always wanted to take your Mabinogi character beyond the boundaries of Erinn? Now, with your artistic direction and the help of Mighty Muggs, your Fantasy Life is about to take a mighty leap into the real world! This is a special contest with two stages. First, you will create a two-panel comic using characters from Mabinogi. Then, ten finalists will move on to stage two, where they will modify a Mighty Mugg doll into something positively Mabinogi!

Mighty fun!

Mabinogi Notebook Design Contest Winners!

Reading, writing, and arithmetic – school may be back in session, but we all know that our favorite subject will always be Mabinogi! Luckily, with all your awesome Mabinogi Notebook Design entries, you can take Mabi into the classroom every day! Thank you to all our creative students who participated.

See the winners!

Remember to Update Your Password Regularly

While keeping your account secure isn’t a game, it makes your experience playing our games that much better. Do your part to keep your account secure by participating in the Voluntary Password Change Campaign! We hope that all of our players will take the initiative to update their account information regularly.

Play safe

Question of the Week

Mabinogians! Potions, potions, and more potions! Sometimes potions just don’t cut it as a reward, so we want to know what you WOULD enjoy! What similar reward would you like to see replace these potions (be reasonable =P) during events?

It is not worth an intelligent man's time to be in the majority. By definition, there are already enough people to do that. ~ G. H. Hardy

Here's what some of your fellow Mabinogians had to say:

Something similar to potions, to replace them in gachapons? I would have to say something like cheap/common leathers. Those can be used for crafting, and are about as difficult to get as potions. Either that or some thread, or average firewood. Basically, some crafting supplies instead of potions would be nice. - Renita O.

?-cough- stackable dyes. Just kidding. Maybe party feathers, advanced feathers, blacksmith coupons, and pretty much all the old advanced play items. Even waxen/dungeon wax wings would be good. - Technika C.

A Mini-fergus pet. In combat, it would break everyone and everything. In PvP, it would reduce all weapons to 0 durability! - Andrew G.

Check out the discussion on Facebook

What are you waiting for? Start your Fantasy Life now!