Dunbarton Adventurer's Association, September 2, 2011
Greeting Mabinogians!
School is the topic on everyone's mind this week, even in Erinn! Be sure to check your course schedule for this semester in the Back to School events. Make sure you make it to class every day, because the rest of your "school," or server, is counting on your attendance! Head to the Question of the Week to see how your fellow Mabignogians are handling the transition back into school. In other news, Jumping in the Rain Character Cards will have you jumping for joy through September 13, the Fortune Rainbow Event will keep you moving up and earning more, and Thunder Spaniels will keep making your mood soar! Stick with Erinn Weekly for all the details of the week's events.
Back to School Events
Jumping in the Rain Character Cards
Monsoon season has arrived in Erinn! Protect yourself from the torrential rains in some truly fashionable rain wear. Each Jumping in the Rain character card comes with a Vanalen Rain Coat, Vanalen Rain Boots, and one of three random umbrellas: clear, frog, and lace. Equip your umbrella to open it and prop it over your shoulder, then perform a spirited leap by pressing the spacebar on your keyboard! Available from August 17th to September 13th.
Rain rain go away!
Get Lucky with the Fortune Rainbow Event!
Upon logging into Mabinogi, you will receive a quest to meet Caravan-Joe. He'll give you a special Violet Gift Box, and one Lucky Ticket. You may open the box and receive the item it holds, or trade in additional Lucky Tickets to upgrade your box to the next color in the rainbow - and a better prize! You will receive a Lucky Ticket for every half hour you remain logged in.
Is fortune with you?
Thunder Spaniels are Shocking Dogs!
Coming into the third week of our Dog Days of Summer are the Thunder Spaniels, a PERMANENT addition to the Mabinogi Web Shop. With coats of White or Dapple, these spaniels are sure to pack a serious punch with their powerful Thunder attack, and inspire awe when they use their ears to fly. Thunder Spaniels grow more powerful when near each other, so to increase their true potential, be sure to have a Dapple Spaniel and a White Spaniel in a party together.
Get yours today!
Question of the Week
Mabinogians! School is finally here! What have you been doing to transition back into the new school year? Has Mabinogi played any part?
It is not worth an intelligent man's time to be in the majority. By definition, there are already enough people to do that. ~ G. H. Hardy
Here's what some of your fellow Mabinogians had to say:
I'm a senior now so I've actually had to do alot... Started college applications, trying to get some college credits early, and a friend and I are trying to expand our school's breakdancing club before we graduate XD Senior year is pretty epic. - Elfen M.
Well I'm transition to college pretty well since my Major is going to be Computer Games and Simulation Design. First day I went in to class and the teacher said "I will be giving credit for playing any kind of games during the semster." So i went up to the teacher and asked If i could play Mabinogi and the teacher said sure. So I'm getting a grade for just playing Mabinogi. So Mabinogi playing a huge part in my school work XD. - Robert S.
Im doing hamlet in my English class and S.S is one of my favourite poetic writers so now that I know little more about Hamletl and Romeo and Juliet as well. Thanks Nexon. Another year of School approaches me and it shall be my Last :D. - Rebecca E.
What are you waiting for? Start your Fantasy Life now!