Erinn Weekly -- November 4, 2011

ANNOUNCE 11/4/2011 10:09:32 AM

Dunbarton Adventurer's Association, November 4, 2011

Luck, love, and localization are the hot topics in this week's edition of Erinn Weekly. Try your luck three times this Saturday with a Hot Time event that will give you a shot at a gift box and of course massive amounts of EXP. Overcome all manner of obstacles in the name of love in the Merchant of Venice, the latest chapter in Mabinogi's Shakespearean content. Then, read on to see how Nexon's Localization team was able to take the play out of the Globe Theater dungeon and bring it to life in Erinn. Grab a friend and take to the skies on the new Thunder Dragons, now able to fit two riders. If zombie-cursing your friends is more your style, use limited edition Halloween Feathers to revive your party members and earn tokens which can be exchanged for all manner of Halloween weapons. Finally, see how your fellow Mabinogians would distribute the extra AP if they won this week's Hot Time Event in the Question of the Week! Stick with Erinn Weekly for all the details of the week's events.


Hot Time Event

Tired of grinding for the necessary AP for that one skill? This Hot Time Event will run on Saturday, November 5, 2011 at 6:00 PM Pacific, 7:00 PM Pacific, and 8:00 PM Pacific for 6, 7, and 8 minutes respectively. Make sure you're in Erinn at those times for your chance at a whole lot of EXP and a lucrative gift box!

Good luck!

True Love Overcomes All Obstacles: The Merchant of Venice

The latest update is live! Head to the desert town of Filia and help Portia and Bassanio reunite and rekindle their love! As you journey through thick and thin to help the two, learn about Shakespeare’s mysterious past. Play through Mabinogi's newest mainstream quest “The Merchant of Venice!"

Meet the Merchant

All the World's a Stage

The people of Nexon’s localization team are the oft-unsung heroes of Mabinogi. It’s this group who takes the Korean text and translates it into English. They have the monumental responsibility of making sure the language maintains and imparts the essence and flavor of the stories of Mabinogi. We asked them to discuss how they were able to bring out the true “Merchant of Venice.”

Not Lost in Translation

Lightning Struck Twice: Thunder Dragon

Lightning really does strike twice. The Thunder Dragon has returned with an extra seat for 1 more rider. Hurry and tame yours now before they take flight again. Thunder Dragons will be on sale through November 16.

Double the fun!

Last Chance: Halloween Event

Through November 9, spooky Halloween Feathers can be used to revive party members, with a chance that the affected party will be cursed as a zombie. Cursing a party member will award you with a Halloween Token. Successfully reviving a party member will earn you 10 Halloween Tokens which can be exchanged for a gift box consisting of new Halloween weapons like the Skull Battle Axe and old favorites like the Pumpkin Hat!


Question of the Week

Mabinogians! Hot Time is this weekend and the stakes are high! If you are the lucky winner of Saturday’s event, how do you plan on spending all your glorious EXP and AP? Trying to get Rank 9 on your Production Mastery? Plan on becoming the next top Alchemist?

A pound of pluck is worth a ton of luck. ~ James A. Garfield

Here's what some of your fellow Mabinogians had to say:

Ill be saving that Ap I earn. When the zombie invasion truly arrives, I'll be needing it for shotgun mastery. - Anthony T.

I plan to use it to rank my musical knowledge! And with whatever left over AP I have, I'll use it for my range to be rank 1. - DawnMarie G.

Saving up the AP and strategically distributing it to Final Hit/ Crash Shot, knowing that they are the most AP consuming skills as well as the most useful. ^_^ - Jimmy C.

Check out the discussion on Facebook

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