[UPDATE] Technical Issues Purchasing NX via Credit Card - Resolved

ANNOUNCE 7/11/2012 8:05:34 PM

The technical issues have been resolved! You should now be able to purchase NX via credit card without any problems. If you purchased NX via credit card earlier and did not receive the NX, the purchased amount should now be credited to your Nexon account.

We are currently experiencing technical difficulties processing NX purchase requests via credit card. If you’ve recently purchased NX via credit card but haven’t received the NX yet, please hang tight. We are working with our vendor to resolve the issue.

In the meantime, we recommend using other payment methods until this issue has been resolved. The other methods of purchasing NX (Karma Koin cards, Nexon Game Cards, the Pay By Cash system, the BilltoMobile system, and PayPal) have not been affected by this issue.

We are truly sorry for the inconvenience.