Updated Eweca Orb Gachapon
6/23/2014 3:10:18 PM

Erinn is entering a new lunar phase and Eweca is shining brighter than ever. Crack open the all new Eweca Orb Gachapon and see what amazing summer rewards lie within.
Ultimate Anime Summer!
No Skill Training Pots! Better odds for special new items! You'll love the new Eweca Orb- it's been specially redesigned with your feedback in mind.
Eweca Orb Gachapon (1)
Eweca Orb Gachapon (11)
Sale Dates:
Tuesday, June 23 and onward
Sale Details:

This summer, Eweca Orb Gachapons are loaded with cool new goodies, such as:
- Donkey, Peacock, or Rudolf Pool Tubes
- Fleet Feet Winged Shoes
- Arrow, Bolt, or Javelin bags
- Theatrical Troupe outfit sets
- Professional Doctor / Nurse outfit sets
- Funky Doctor / Sultry Nurse outfit sets
- And much, much more!