Treasure Hunter Shopping Bag!
9/10/2014 12:18:03 PM
Mysterious dungeons, ancient ruins, and unknown artifacts feed your curiosity for adventure -- you are the fearless
Treasure Hunter exploring every corner of Erinn. Nothing compares to the thrill of unearthing buried treasure and reaping the rewards in gold. However, every good explorer knows the proper gear is paramount, so as to dodge treacherous traps and sneaky thieves. Before you explore your next tomb or dungeon, make sure you're prepared. Pick up the
Treasure Hunter Shopping Bag, available for a
limited time!
Treasure Hunter Shopping Bags!
September 11th - October 1st
Treasure Hunter Shopping Bag (M) |
Treasure Hunter Shopping Bag (F) |
This shopping bag contains the rugged outfit of the heroic Treasure Hunter. Open the bag to get the Treasure Hunter Field Wear, Treasure Hunter Bracers, and Treasure Hunter Boots.