Beware of the Wolf in Sheep's Clothing!
5/19/2015 5:00:00 PM

In the distance it looks cute and cuddly, but as you get closer you'll notice what giant teeth it has! Beware of the Wolf in Sheep's Clothing invading Erinn. Round up your friends and take down this camouflaged canine!
Event Details
Event Dates: Wednesday, May 20 - Tuesday, June 16
- Log-in during the event period to receive the Hunter of the Forest quest.
- Every two hours of real time, the Gigantic Sheep Wolf (a.k.a The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing) will appear as a Field Boss located in North West Dunbarton.
- Be quick, he will only appear for 20 minutes before he goes back into hiding!
- Help defeat the Wolf in Sheep's Clothing and you'll complete the Hunter of the Forest quest, rewarding you with the following:
- Magic Supply Box
- AP 5 Potion
- 5,000 EXP
- 1,000 Gold
- Keep earning goodies! The quest will reset daily.
Hint: The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing is vulnerable to Magic!
Magic Supply Box Details
The Magic Supply Box is filled to the brim with lots of items useful to your daily activities in Erinn. Take a look at some of the notable rewards below:
- Skill Training Seal (30 Days)
- Ancient Magic Powder (Event)
- Forgotten Mage's Gem
- Starry Magician Outfit for M or F
- Black Metal of Sealing
- Lava Cat Robe
- Star-shaped Large Brimmed Magician Hat
- Elite Magic Powder
- Variety of Magic Skill Specific Skill Training Seals (30 days)
Note: Puppet Theater Shoes and Shaman Shoes are not part of the Magic Supply Box Rewards.