Have you always wanted to take your Mabinogi character beyond the boundaries of Erinn? Now, with your artistic direction and the help of Mighty Muggs, your Fantasy Life is about to take a mighty leap into the real world!
This is a special contest with two stages and very specific guidelines, so be sure to read carefully.
Stage One: A Mabinogi Story
Stage One is open to all Mabinogians, and is your chance to showcase your artistic abilities and vie for a top spot for Stage Two! Your job will be to create an original two panel comic using at least two characters from Mabinogi.
How Stage One Works:
Create an original two panel comic using at least two characters from Mabinogi – your character, a friend’s character, or even NPCs. You are free to hand-draw or paint the comic yourself! The judges will select the ten winning comics, and the entrants will receive NX 5,000 each. More importantly, these ten finalists will move on to Stage Two! Winners for Stage One will be announced on September 14, 2011.
• Submit your comic as an email attachment to Webevents@nexon.net. The subject of your email must be: Mabinogi Mighty Mugg Entry.
• Include your in-game name and server in the body of the email.
• All comics must be submitted by September 13, 2011.
• There are no guidelines for the content of the comic. However, those that are considered obscene, inappropriate, or infringe on copyrighted material not owned by Nexon America, Inc., or those that plagiarize another person’s work (in the opinions of the judges) will be disqualified.
Stage Two: Mabinogi Personified!
Nexon will send the ten winners of Stage One: A Mabinogi Story a blank white Mighty Mugg. Participants will then modify the Mighty Mugg into something that looks absolutely Mabinogi!
Not sure what we’re looking for? Check out these examples of Custom Mighty Muggs.
How Stage Two Works:
You will have two weeks from the date you receive your package to customize your Mighty Mugg and mail it back to Nexon’s offices using the return box and shipping label provided by Nexon. Additional information, including exact details and due dates, will be sent in an email to all ten finalists.
•Submit your modified Mighty Mugg to Nexon’s offices by the date indicated in the email that will be sent from Webevents to all ten finalists.
•Please note that the Mighty Muggs will not be returned once the contest is over. Instead, they will be put on display at Nexon’s offices. Therefore, you must be willing to part with your creation.
•You may ask friends or family for help designing your Mighty Mugg. However, we expect the bulk of the work to be your own.
One Grand Prize winner will receive the following:
Grand Prize
•Kindle 3G
•Mabinogi Nao Statue
•Mabinogi T-Shirt
All other Stage Two finalists who submit their entry on time will receive the following:
Finalist Prizing
•Mabinogi Nao Statue
•Mabinogi T-Shirt
Be original, get creative, and have fun, Mabinogians!