Romeo and Juliet is here!
4/27/2011 2:27:15 AM
Masquerade Ball to celebrate Romeo and Juliet!It's finally here! Shakespeare's greatest love tragedy has come to Mabinogi. Experience the stories of the star-crossed lovers of Verona, Romeo and Juliet. What goes wrong that tears them apart? Find out in Mabinogi Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet! To get you into the spirit of this update, when logging in on Saturday, April 30th, you will recieve a quest to visit Rath Castle for a Masquerade Ball. Talk to the one of the guards at the gate and you will recieve a Masquerade Invitation. The Masquerade Ball begins at 7:00 PM PACIFIC Time (10:00 PM). When speaking to the guard, you will recieve a mask, allowing you access to the festivities inside.
To see the game update notes, click here.
Charge onto the scene with a LanceDo you have some AP left over that you're itching to put into a brand new skills? With a new weapon type comes new skill! Introduced with Lances come three new abilities: Lance Mastery, Lance Charge, and Lance Counter. Lance Mastery increases damage and criticals with lance weapons, Lance Charge allows you to quickly approach and strike an enemy (even from horseback!), and Lance Counter enables a counter-attack when an enemy focuses an attack on you! To see the announcement post regarding Lances,
click here.
Hard Work brings great reward at the HomesteadWith the Romeo and Juliet update comes the new Homestead feature. Create a home of your on in Mabinogi. Invite your friends, grow crops, install various production items to help you with your trade skills. Create paints to give your farmhouse your own custom coating. With the new homestead feature, how you build your "Fantasy Life Ranch" is completely up to you! Have fun with it and be creative as you can.
To help you get started with your own Homestead, two events are running. One event will give you a free seed pouch to get that first crop started. The other event allows for intrepid farmers get more Homestead Stones, which are used in the construction of Homesteads. Monsters that are "Awful," "Strong," and "Boss" will have a chance to drop Homestead Stones. Don't put all your eggs in one basket! Go out and spend some time off the ranch.
To see more information regarding the Homestead system,
check out the official news post and preview here.
Rain fiery destruction on all your enemies with Fire Horses!We've teased them all week long, and we even held a contest to help name them. The Fire Horses are here! Pick up a Sunburst Shire (Red), Ethereal Mist War Horse (White), or Nightshade Mustang (Blue) today. They come with two special abilities: Flame Dive and Speed Boost. Flame Dive is an attack performed and will knock back all enemies surrounding the horse. Speed Boost is a passive ability that will activate when the horse maintains its course for a set amount of time. On top of these awesome abilities, you'll also get Flamerider Wear, a stylish piece of clothing made just for those who wish to jockey a Fire Horse. Want to know more about the Fire Horses?
Click here!
With all the awesome new features with the Romeo and Juliet Update, it's sure to be an exciting time!