Bug Hunting!
12/1/2010 6:04:42 PM
December 7, 2010
Are you ready for tonight's update?
We've got one last bug hunter
update before we start the update at 10:00, so let's get to it! Some
players may be aware of an issue occurring when trying to equip Royal
Alchemist items. When equipping Royal Alchemist items, the Protect and
Defense stats would not properly apply to the player when changing
channels, logging out, logging in, etc. Royal Alchemists had to
constantly reequip their items to gain the Protect and Defense stats.

no longer! Royal Alchemists all over Erinn will be happy to know that
the defensive stats will remain on the character through logout, login,
or channel change!
Looking for more bug updates? We have some more listed over on the Scheduled Update notice!
December 6, 2010
A new week is upon us and we're getting ready to smash the bugs we've found in a coming update. As promised, we're back to cover another bug with our loyal players!
The bug we're going to tackle in today's update is one that affects owners of a particular pet. Don't fret too much, this bug only affected one pet, but it's still something we wanted to fix. After all, it's something that you've spent NX on, it should work properly! The bug we're talking about is in regards to the Black Cotton Ostrich.
The Black Cotton Ostrich has a unique ability called "Charge," which increases its movement speed for a short amount of time. Players reported that this ability wasn't working as advertised, so we went in and fixed it up for the next update. Owners of Black Cotton Ostriches will once again be dashing swiftly across the prairies of Iria!
We've got one last update for you tomorrow, because hey! The update is on Tuesday evening! See you then!
December 3, 2010
Happy Friday, Mabinogians!
We're back again to let you know about more of the bug squashing we are doing for the latest test client!
Adventurers head toward their fate just below the Erkey Falls in the Courcle Region, but before they can continue their journey, they are stopped in their tracks by a bug! Players have reported and we have confirmed that although you see the scene of your raft plummeting over the falls, your in-game character does not actually make it to the bottom. To the contrary, a player will end up stuck at the very top of the falls, unable to do anything.
Quite the frustrating bug, indeed! Well, we're happy to report that the Erkey Falls will be functioning properly in the next update. Explorers taking a relaxing jungle cruise down the Suytu River will once again be able to experience the harrowing fall in the Falls.
Have a wonderful and relaxing weekend! We'll see you again on Monday with another Bug Hunting entry for our next game update!
December 2, 2010
As promised, we are back today with another bug-squashing update, based on responses from our regular users and community at-large.
Today’s update covers the single issue we received more feedback about than any other issue. Care to make a guess as to which bug we’re talking about? We’re talking, of course, about the recent issues with hobgoblins on the Suytu River rafts!
For those who aren’t familiar with this bug, it was discovered that hobgoblins were reviving on rafts after being defeated by players. On a similar vein, players who are knocked out on rafts could not properly revive at the docks and instead revived on the raft.
You’ll be happy to know that we have ironed out all of the kinks with this issue for the next game update! Hobgoblins are properly despawning upon their defeat and players can now revive at the docks if they are knocked out during battle. We’re well on our way to restoring many other issues to be working properly in the near future!
Thanks for you your participation and input, and we look forward to seeing you all in Erinn!
December 1, 2010
We have been working hard attempting to get a lot of bugs squashed in time for our next patch. Although we’re hard at work, we wanted to take a moment out to inform you of what we have been working on, and everything we have in store in the days ahead.
In response to some of the recent issues we have been having and your feedback from the forum and Facebook communities, we have been actively investigating many of the bugs submitted. We've been compiling our confirmed bugs and working with the developers in Korea to fix the issues with which players are most concerned.
Some of you may have already noticed some improvements to latency, especially regarding monsters. During the maintenance we held on November 30th-December 1st, we made some adjustments to the servers in order to address monster stability. As a result, we should be seeing fewer reports from players regarding monster spawn and latency. If you are experiencing any further issues in regards to monster spawning, please let us know in our forums.
In the days ahead, we will continue to inform you about some of the other bugs we’ve been working on around the studio in preparation for the update.
Check back with this posting for future updates regarding our bug hunt!