Glowing Ice Sword Event
8/4/2009 1:32:36 PM
The summer heat is beginning to reach even the colder regions of Erinn. Physis, the home of the giants, is starting to see its vast snow plains melt away as the warmer weather makes itself at home. Despite the snow melting, the thick under layer of ice can still withstand the temperate weather.
It is said that the ice in Physis is harder than steel. If an accomplished craftsman could shape the ice into a weapon... well, we'll get to that later. First, we'll need to gather up the materials necessary to create such a weapon. Strap down your gear and head to Physis.

As you make your way through the snowy dunes, you may notice that the animals seem to be heavy with frost. The snow isn't as heavy and packed in as it normally is. This allows the frozen water crystals to stick to their coats much easier. It's your duty to shake free these frost crystals from the animals you find in Physis. If you're lucky, you'll find a creature with a Frost Crystal. If you're luckier still, you might find a Glowing Frost Crystal.
Once you've laid claim to a Frost Crystal, travel to the Reus River. Within the floes of the river are what make the base of your soon-to-be weapon, Ice Fragments. You'll discover when you arrive that the river, despite the heat of the season, is still frozen over. You will need either a Giant to Stomp a hole in the ice, or a Giant-allied Human with a Snowfield L-Rod to create a hole with the Land Maker action. Whip out your fishing rod and make yourself comfortable.

When you've managed to reel in an Ice Fragment, you will then be ready to create your very own Ice Sword. Prepare the Handicraft skill, and place both the Frost Crystal and Ice Fragment in the creation window. Proceed to create the weapon. With enough luck (it shouldn't take much!), you'll have chilly blade to wield. Take note: the size of your weapon increases with the size of the Ice Fragment you fish up from Reus River. The larger the Ice Fragment, the larger the sword! If you were lucky enough to find a Glowing Frost Crystal, your ice sword will glow with a bluish-white hue.
Fleta will upgrade your Ice Sword if you have a Upgrade Coupon for Heavy Armor.
Keep in mind that as the heat continues on, the weather will eventually take its toll on your weapon. Ice Swords and Glowing Ice Swords will completely melt by August 31st. You will only be able to obtain your Ice sword during the event's duration, August 5th ~ August 18th.