Pet Expedition Event
6/8/2020 6:56:40 PM

The My Little Pet update has arrived! Gather up your little friends and prepare yourselves for your very first expeditions!
Pet Expedition Event
Event Dates: Thursday, June 18th, After Maintenance - Thursday, July 2nd, Before Maintenance
Event Details
- All non-Novice players will receive the [Guide] Pet Expedition upon login.
- Register a main character with Expedition-van Joe in Dunbarton.
- This event will require you to utilize the Pet Expedition Bulletin Board Homestead prop.
- In order to obtain the daily quests, you need to first complete the [Guide] Thrilling Pet Expedition! quest granted upon log-in to install the Pet Expedition Bulletin Board.
- Your Homestead must be at least Lv. 4 in order to install the Pet Expedition Bulletin Board and your character cannot be a novice.
- If you somehow lose this item, you can craft it using materials.
Daily Quest
The Fearless Pet Expedition
- The daily quest resets every day at 7:00 AM PDT.
- Complete 1 Pet Expedition.
- You can find in-depth information on how to tackle the new Pet Expedition system in the Pet Adventurer Guide.
- Once completed, you will earn the following rewards:
- 10,000 EXP
- 1,000 Gold
- 1x Pet Golden Experience Fruit (500%) (Untradeable)
Completion Quest
The Unstoppable Pet Expedition
- Complete the Daily Quest "The Fearless Pet Expedition" 10 times.
- Once completed, you will earn the following rewards:
- 10,000 EXP
- 1,000 Gold
- (Untradeable)
- Pet Type: Small, Terrestrial, Rat
- Summon Time: 117 Minutes
- Inventory Size: 6x4
- Does not transform
- Cannot be mounted, cannot be dyed